(2010.Dec.26 12:11 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]and the ones that just played without looking for a loophole
oh pun, no loophole just those wiling to eat their candy
(2010.Dec.26 02:18 AM)Radler Wrote: [ -> ]seems like the game was just 4 the richest and the strongest,, I guess I just wasted my time trying..
Um, this contest may of had less random luck to it but other than Brugada, Budweiser and I are neither the richest nor the strongest and we placed very close if not at the top of the rankings. The rate that NastyFO was playing he would have been at the top if he'd played more than 90 minutes.
Radler, you may have not gotten the win on this contest but the candy canes are a very good consolation prize.
12/25/2010 205 10 247 83.0 % $167,853 $679.57 745 2,646
I only played the contest hardcore for about 6 hours. Otherwise I played off of normal refreshes. I bought 85k worth of small stims right away still have about 80 left. If you timed everything perfect, and got lucky using the canes, I dont think one would have to spend more than they made. I think I ended up with about 8-10k exp and and plenty of canes left over for me. If I had been at a level where I had 3 refreshes I would have played hard. Im sure the winner is an older, high humanity player.
Time Event Actions
12:48 am ZennyClaws sent 5 Candy Canes to your storage unit.
I had at least that many blanks thru out the day, but towards the end of the contest I was getting 4-5 blanks in a row a few times.
Also, to all you tards trying to get 40k+ for a cane, there are thousands in circulation now. And to all you buying, offer 5k a piece.

Heh, I hope everyone ate their candies.... that was my strategy.....
Events Delete All Events (1)
Time Event Actions 12:49 am
ZennyClaws sent 28 Candy Canes to your storage unit.
I got a lot of bunk ass canes too
(2010.Dec.26 02:18 AM)Radler Wrote: [ -> ]seems like the game was just 4 the richest and the strongest,, I guess I just wasted my time trying..
activity in the end will still beat anyone who found the best way to get the most canes but it will help those players a lot for now. seems like a lot of people hold onto candy for wars too so it isnt like they use all of it to benefit their character.
If the candy canes gave extra stats, I could see them having some value. As just an chance energy boost, it's a little tough giving them anything more than Brugada's 5k. If anyone selling shamrocks, then I'd be listening.
if they sold at 5k I would buy every single one. for people at my level it costs almost $90,000 to refresh energy. if people go below 40k i think they are really selling low.
Next gym day will be huge

(2010.Dec.26 09:47 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]if they sold at 5k I would buy every single one. for people at my level it costs almost $90,000 to refresh energy. if people go below 40k i think they are really selling low.
You only get what people are willing to pay for an item. Also, I did get a few canes that didn't even give me a boost. I mean like it gave nothing. I think I posted in another thread. I guess I am trying to say buyer beware or something.
Onward, let me ask you, what seems like a fair price for a super saturated item at the moment?
PS Onward, please don't take this as an attack, I really want to hear your opinion. Power leveling is a seriously tough thing to do, I am thinking of doing the same and wondering if I should dump my canes or use them to get to a similar level as yourself.