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Full Version: Hey, Mods.
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monk is kiilla
bdjoker for mod of the century. right, wrong, or indifferent, he does his thing without saying a word and stands by what he decides to mod.

every other mod is way too easy to draw out.
(2011.Mar.31 10:55 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]Biased.

please direct all defenses here.
Just to make it clear, the majority of anyone who used to come to the forums say something other than moderators have ruined the forums.

Just sayin'.
(2011.Mar.31 11:31 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Just to make it clear, the majority of anyone who used to come to the forums say something other than moderators have ruined the forums.

Just sayin'.

geez taco, you're more than a buzz kill.

just sayin
Think I should take up a Mod position? Could turn this forum into a ghost town and welcome the good kids back in to discuss the game.

Just sayin'.
stay puff marshmallow man is that you?
(2011.Mar.31 11:37 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Think I should take up a Mod position? Could turn this forum into a ghost town and welcome the good kids back in to discuss the game.

Just sayin'.

Great idea, maybe we can get Rambo to come back and give you a hand.
No matter what you've heard though, it doesn't pay in doughnuts.
(2011.Mar.31 10:21 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not worried. I just wanted to make sure he knew that I told him to fuck off.

Oh, you're definitely worried about it. It is clear that you take this very personally and to heart. It's pathetic, really. Your insecurities and lack of a thick skin helping to contribute to this game going down like a sinking ship and all.

Where the true irony is that if YOU would go fuck YOURSELF... this game would no doubt improve.

The problem with the forums wasn't with the inability to say fuck or shit... It was with the retards who moderate them (the newer flock of mods to be specific - it used to be a non-biased position that senior members of the game used to take).
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