2011.Jan.09, 06:43 PM
2011.Jan.09, 07:15 PM
(2011.Jan.09 05:31 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]You guys are fucking retarded. Quitting doesn't mean you never log on again just to annoy you "lifers" who live and breath this electronic shit game that means jackshit. Please, step away from the keyboard, go upstairs and after giving mommy and daddy a hug, take a look outside at that bright thing in the sky (it's called the sun). Really, life will be better when you dedicate those 16 hours a day that you usually spend pointing and clicking life a fuking robot over and over and "donating" your entire paycheck to Zen for better endurance. How fucking retarded is that? The world won't end. Between AL and the porn, let's face it little fella, you spend waaay too much time and money doing worthless and meaningless shit all day. Maybe you could actually move out from mommy and daddy if you heed this advice.
I truly believe that if and when Zen pulls the plug on this thing a few of you will actually off yourselves (and let's be honest, the planet would benefit from this culling of the herd). Relax. Smoke a joint, drink a beer. It's a silly and stupid/flawed game. Try life for a change. Hell, you might even get laid.
P.S. Quitting means no longer training (point and click 1,000 times a day) and all of that stupid shit. The fun part is repaying those who have it coming and posting here to watch you people get soooo angry and pissy about someone you have nor will ever meet, who has done nothing to actually harm you or anyone you know. !^!$!&$#%!#&!&%^$#&!%$ (!!!!
![[Image: retardso.jpg]](http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/2262/retardso.jpg)
2011.Jan.09, 07:44 PM
(2011.Jan.09 05:31 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]You guys are fucking retarded. Quitting doesn't mean you never log on again just to annoy you "lifers" who live and breath this electronic shit game that means jackshit. Please, step away from the keyboard, go upstairs and after giving mommy and daddy a hug, take a look outside at that bright thing in the sky (it's called the sun). Really, life will be better when you dedicate those 16 hours a day that you usually spend pointing and clicking life a fuking robot over and over and "donating" your entire paycheck to Zen for better endurance. How fucking retarded is that? The world won't end. Between AL and the porn, let's face it little fella, you spend waaay too much time and money doing worthless and meaningless shit all day. Maybe you could actually move out from mommy and daddy if you heed this advice.
I truly believe that if and when Zen pulls the plug on this thing a few of you will actually off yourselves (and let's be honest, the planet would benefit from this culling of the herd). Relax. Smoke a joint, drink a beer. It's a silly and stupid/flawed game. Try life for a change. Hell, you might even get laid.
P.S. Quitting means no longer training (point and click 1,000 times a day) and all of that stupid shit. The fun part is repaying those who have it coming and posting here to watch you people get soooo angry and pissy about someone you have nor will ever meet, who has done nothing to actually harm you or anyone you know. !^!$!&$#%!#&!&%^$#&!%$ (!!!!
Pretty sure for as long as it took you to write that Short Story about everything that you despise but are is longer than it takes me to log on click train on the gym do 2 crimes than log out so therefore you are the "Lifer" and really need to just shutup because all your doing is making yourself seem more like a fucking retard.
2011.Jan.09, 09:19 PM
A hretard says what?
2011.Jan.10, 08:51 PM
Golly, all of this fuss about little ole me. I knew you guys cared. I miss you all. The e-wars were a blast. Love clicking endlessly. What a fucking good time it was. Now, as I ponder and reflect on the wasted hours clicking and responding to tough middle aged fat e-bullies and 14 year old e-bullies all acting the tough guy, I realize one thing...WHAT A FUCKING COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!! Damn, why is it everytime I get on the AL forums I hav a sudden urge to crap. Time to get out the old AL toilet paper again. I sure miss you guys.
2011.Jan.11, 09:01 PM
(2011.Jan.09 05:31 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]I truly believe that if and when Zen pulls the plug on this thing a few of you will actually off yourselves (and let's be honest, the planet would benefit from this culling of the herd). Relax. Smoke a joint, drink a beer. It's a silly and stupid/flawed game. Try life for a change. Hell, you might even get laid.
Funny how none of you ADAN (ALL DAY ALL NIGHT) AL freaks disputed this. The planet can only hope Zen tires of this and the "donations" slow to the point it's not worth her little time to continue. Pedestrians, watch for falling objects (Taco could take out an entire city block).
2011.Jan.11, 09:24 PM
why do you keep signing in?
2011.Jan.11, 09:31 PM
Dave you clicked for a long time. Why get off on bashing people that continue to do so? Many of us play on phones. I play at work, hunting, fishing, out with friends, family stuff etc. But I also put the phone down and dont play during some of that stuff.
Just log in and zerk/hosp people. Stay out of the forums.
Just log in and zerk/hosp people. Stay out of the forums.
2011.Jan.11, 11:21 PM
(2011.Jan.10 08:51 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]Golly, all of this fuss about little ole me. I knew you guys cared. I miss you all. The e-wars were a blast. Love clicking endlessly. What a fucking good time it was. Now, as I ponder and reflect on the wasted hours clicking and responding to tough middle aged fat e-bullies and 14 year old e-bullies all acting the tough guy, I realize one thing...WHAT A FUCKING COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!! Damn, why is it everytime I get on the AL forums I hav a sudden urge to crap. Time to get out the old AL toilet paper again. I sure miss you guys.
![[Image: 1340952-1-if-you-are-close-enough-to-rea...low-me.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_b8evp1wnk0E/TNyRgAMqlBI/AAAAAAAAAB0/zAhmOtQINuE/s1600/1340952-1-if-you-are-close-enough-to-read-this-you-can-blow-me.jpg)
2011.Jan.12, 01:02 AM
(2011.Jan.11 09:31 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Dave you clicked for a long time. Why get off on bashing people that continue to do so? Many of us play on phones. I play at work, hunting, fishing, out with friends, family stuff etc. But I also put the phone down and dont play during some of that stuff.
Just log in and zerk/hosp people. Stay out of the forums.
Naw Brug. I am just speaking the truth. You know it. I am not even kidding. Some of these unstable peeps would go off the deep end if this stopped tomorrow. This substitutes real life for so many of these people. Instead of a mate, dog, family time, etc, AL replaces real life for so many. It is actually very sad. That said, I have a need to poop again after another forum post. Anyone know where I can get another case of AL TP?