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(2010.Oct.20 07:49 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.20 07:35 PM)freeksta3798 Wrote: [ -> ]the worst part about the game lately is the people that donate are sometimes the whiners

shotgun users

how dare you talk about sv members like that?!


(2010.Oct.20 06:13 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]yeah you dont have to donate rl cash...level up to 22 then start criming ho

best advice you can give to a new player. 22 = sportscars.
yup..housing and stuff...get to 22
also try and stay out of hosp wars that go for months.... lol
happy 1234 day to me. almost missed it.

now fuk off.
i as a non donar have beaten many donar players. Its not about donating its all about having fun and u can achieve many things herelol
(2010.Oct.20 07:49 PM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Oct.20 07:35 PM)freeksta3798 Wrote: [ -> ]the worst part about the game lately is the people that donate are sometimes the whiners

shotgun users

(2010.Oct.20 10:14 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]also try and stay out of hosp wars that go for months.... lol

Is that even possible these days? Rolleyes
ive nvr donated. im doing fine, just p-time is key
i said it before that the reason why new people are reluctant to join is that its too hard to reach the top. you either gotta go hard for several years without donation or hard for 1 or 2 years with donation. unless you enjoy plateauing in your late 20s
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