Try putting only 1 item in, not a stack. That should solve some issues. You can only put single items in the vault. The vault was intended to share weapons, armor, etc... so putting consumables in there kind of wastes a slot.
As for them not being free, they aren't that expensive.
(2010.Oct.18 10:53 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Try putting only 1 item in, not a stack. That should solve some issues.
What if 700 credits still isn't enough to buy a 25 credit upgrade?
(2010.Oct.18 10:56 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.18 10:53 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Try putting only 1 item in, not a stack. That should solve some issues.
What if 700 credits still isn't enough to buy a 25 credit upgrade?
I believe that's fixed now. I had it checking the wrong data. Should be good to go.
Excellent work Zenith
Now back to work comrade. No rest for the weary.
but no seriously thank you zenith.
Small question, is seems that even when the item is loaned out it still takes up a slot? Is that correct?
(2010.Oct.19 01:05 AM)TealJade Wrote: [ -> ]Small question, is seems that even when the item is loaned out it still takes up a slot? Is that correct?
Correct. When "loaning" an item out, they are still considered vault items, and take up a spot. A player who has donated to the gang can always recover the item from the top of the inventory screen to open the slot.
Another question along the same lines. If someone did put a consumable in the vault and it was "loaned" out would it be able to be used by the person it was "loaned" to? And would it still take up a slot? I know it couldn't be recovered if it could be used.
Thank you by the way, I think this is a good thing, even if it will take a little getting used to.
would this be possible zen?
Your Gang - Seven Laws
Your gang is currently in 1 war(s).
Last 25 Gang Events
Time Event
October 17 2010, 8:33:39 am (insert name here) donated (insert item here) to the gang vault.
and what would happen to the items if i were to boot that person or if he/she leaves with item still loaned out?
(2010.Oct.19 02:54 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]and what would happen to the items if i were to boot that person or if he/she leaves with item still loaned out?
Quote: Items donated are still the property of the player who donated it, and they can recover the item at any time (even if they are no longer in the gang.)
I would assume that this is still the same if a person was kicked from the gang while having an item loaned out. The items cant be sent, stored, marketed, etc which means that the item is linked to the owners ID
ok player A has vault access, cash and creds part. player B dont. player A can vault a small stem, player B cant. player B can vault armour, weapons, etc. A loaned B small stem and B used it. not there anymore but there is a slot takin. how is this? and there is no new event when an item is loaned to B. not a gang event, but would be nice if there was a new player event for the action. also player B can only see what he vaulted.