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(2010.Oct.04 02:58 PM)Shaman Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, it seems I'm having trouble finding the post where Zen quite plainly states that, both RoJo and I read it. Zen could I plz ask you to put this to rest, I don't appreciate being made to look a fool.

Right, if you're going to post "mail from Zen" that never appeared in your inbox don't follow it up with calling some one else a liar, when the evidence you use to support that is a lie.

[Image: Untitled.png]

And just so you cant say I had someone else reply to the mail.

[Image: Untitled2.png]

Also Read

Also read

(2010.Sep.24 09:15 AM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]So I spoke with Zen recently and asked about new updates for the game. She does have what sounds like a good update coming for us. Anyhow, here is what she said about the update.

Sender : Zenith [2]
Date : 24 September 10 @ 12:08:51 am
Subject : RE:Question For You.

As for the next project... I am working on an AJAX app that hopefully will make live combat possible. For instance, if you were clicking around and someone attacked you, there would be a window that popped up asking for your response for each round. Since it's not like one-click combat, it won't be like the current combat code. You'd be able to heal yourself in combat, run, use skills, etc.

You pound FreePornKing to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 156

And that is for calling me a liar. I have better things to do with my time than make up some stupid fucking lie about someone who hasnt been part of this game in quite some time.

Go fuck yourself.
14 Days is not a long time to be offline, especially if you're busy coding. I did read a post stating that Err would be the one working on the code perhaps you should look for the character "newErr".


(2010.Oct.04 05:55 PM)RoJo777 Wrote: [ -> ]14 Days is not a long time to be offline, especially if you're busy coding. I did read a post stating that Err would be the one working on the code perhaps you should look for the character "newErr".

Wow, YOU are a fucking idiot and a multi of shaman

Game admins would not be players you fucking retard.

And why dont you actually READ that post you fucking tool.
For the record, you should look at a few things.

General Info
Name: ZenithsBestie [38283]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 6
Gender: Male
Signed Up: August 28, 2010 3:35:33 pm
Last Active: October 4, 2010 2:48:18 pm
Last Action: 4 hours 18 minutes 55 seconds ago
Online: Offline
Days Old: 37
Friends: 2
Enemies: 2
Physical Info
Health Status: Healthy
Gang: Shadows Path

#1 Game Admins would not be in a regular gang.
#2 Game Admins would have RED names in the forums, not just a regular user.
#3 His name is only NewErr on the forums, he is NOT coding shit.
#4 Read the fucking proof from the posts.
#5 I highly doubt a new Game Admin would call himself "NewErr"
#6 Zenith has clearly stated in a mail to Bconrad that she is the one learning and coding AJAX
#7 You're both fucking tools and should go back into your tool boxes.
#8 I will point this entire thread out to Zenith and she can post here herself, but before she does, You should look at the enclosed link of her profile, and then the enclosed link of "newerr's" profile and see the differences.

And in case you miss this let me quote it for you.


Registration Date: 2006.Apr.24
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 2010.Oct.04 at 05:11 PM
Status: Offline


Registration Date: 2010.Aug.28
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 2010.Oct.05 at 12:12 AM
Status: Offline

Pay attention to the bolded part in Zens profile.

Now that I have officially made you both to look like idiots, go ask Zenith if I'm wrong.
Also note, game admin names are RED in the game as well.

Note the difference and how long Err has been offline.

I've given enough proof to prove you (both) wrong so enjoy.
[Image: dwight-schrute-fact.jpg]
(2010.Oct.04 06:32 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ][Image: dwight-schrute-fact.jpg]

lmao, that's pretty funny

Well, at least we're arguing over something important Rolleyes
Zen, scamman and rogay are all proven liars. The only thing we know for sure is that SV is getting the shit kicked out of them by Bender.
Firstly there is a big difference between being missinformed and being a liar.
I wasn't the only one who read that Err would be doing the code.
Secondly there's no need for all the name-calling, I don't believe I've given you any reason to hosp me either.
BTW, RoJo is not my multi....Liar.
(2010.Oct.04 10:33 PM)Shaman Wrote: [ -> ]BadLuck,
Firstly there is a big difference between being missinformed and being a liar.
I wasn't the only one who read that Err would be doing the code.
Secondly there's no need for all the name-calling, I don't believe I've given you any reason to hosp me either.
BTW, RoJo is not my multi....Liar.

Rogay and you are mutlis. Fact'd
You're a complete moron, Prooven time and time again.
If I'm a multi how come I've never seen the other side of a fed cell. Many mails have gone to Zen about RoJo and I, which only prooves that there are many morons in this game, you being one of them.
At the end of the day I don't care who codes it, as long as someone is I'm happy.
Why don't you ask Zen who gave her the idea of looking into AJAX? And do tell us her answer, I'm interested to see what she says to that.
[Image: bad_luck.jpg]
you guys must be really bored. I'm not taking sides with anybody, it's a stupid discussion. However, what happened to innocent until proven guilty? If somebody has evidence of people multing, I would bet lefty that zen's already heard about it numerous times and looked into it. I've reported 2 or 3 multis myself and all have been banned within 24 hours. At a certain point calling somebody a multi seems to have become more of an insult then an accusation.
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