the bot has better moral judgement than the other mods combined.
Wonder if I can piss it off.
Has anybody ever been banned/warned by it...???
ok, so at first I had the file labeled "badas.s" and it wouldn't load up. I changed it to "bad", and it loaded fine. So even our pics our being modded by their title. Straight up badas.s.
(2010.Oct.02 06:49 PM)Maccleod Wrote: [ -> ]Has anybody ever been banned/warned by it...???
ntentional pyramidding (+5 points)
for post: RE: Dear Mods Yesterday, 11:55 AM 2010.Oct.31, 11:55 AM Ushanewnewba
Working around the coarse language block (+6 points) 2010.Sep.02, 01:10 AM Expired ModBot-002
inappropriate language in forum (+6 points) 2010.Aug.31, 12:49 AM Expired ModBot-002
i brought this up a while ago. i think it may have the power to ban. not sure though
Sender : BigHeadTodd [25435] online
Date : 2 October 10 @ 9:24:58 pm
Subject : (No Subject)
i cant post in the forums thanks to bcon. but modbot002 is bcon, per zens saying. he banned me under that name. bcon is not to be trusted at all. he will be the new err soon enough.
feel free to post any of that.

BCon hit me with +9 warning points fo posting pics. I was already at +5
(2010.Oct.02 08:42 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]BCon hit me with +9 warning points fo posting pics. I was already at +5
Thats because Bcon doesnt like you