(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]btw, zenith should be paying me credits, do you know how much it costs to hire security analysts?
as cheap as some energy drinks and pizza

Security Analyst is to hacker as domestic engineer is to housewife. A slight over-generalization, but close enough.
btw, nice list of updates, Zen. Looking forward to some change and the whining to follow.
Thanks for putting it into laymans terms EMO. Up till that point I had no idea what an exploit was. Well except for the ones that have to do with borders

. Oh I know how to program soda machines so they read out any text you want as well, sorry wal-mart!
(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]btw, zenith should be paying me credits, do you know how much it costs to hire security analysts? 
Actually, you would be considered a beta tester since you're finding exploits.
not really, the product is already final and in production use. So how does a penetration expert sound

(2010.Sep.30 07:59 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]not really, the product is already final and in production use. So how does a penetration expert sound 
That would be me since I can crack a safe lickity split

(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.29 08:44 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]^^ totally stolen, we are all top 10 endurance. drekhead.
oh btw, how does this make all of you feel, there is a possibility that i can use any of your accounts provided you are online, and you wont even notice!
Wouldn't we notice when it logs us out automatically?
nope. you wouldn't be logged out automatically. you would still be able to play as normal.
dont worry, the only way i can think of it being implemented would require you guys to actually click on a link for an external website first. so its not like people will just sneak into your account.
btw, zenith should be paying me credits, do you know how much it costs to hire security analysts?

Granted, I know nothing about the finer aspects of coding, but whenever I'm on AL from more than one IP at a single time (i.e. phone and computer) it auto-logs me out. Why would this be any different?
Actually, it logs you out when you log in from another location. Sites usually won't constantly check your security status due to overhead, so they'll just generate some sort of a keycode and store it (in cookies for low security). If emo grabs your cookie using his own website, he could potentially use it to get your session info and then manipulate the form data so it appears to be you playing.
Doing it this way means he's essentially piggybacking on your own session, which is why he said you need to be logged in. Of course, a cookie grabber could always steal your password, but that's more suspicious. This hack (which it is, rather than an exploit) is pretty obvious from any kind of back-end auditing though, since multiple IPs will be in one account simultaneously.
I make no promise of accuracy of any details, but the general idea should be right. I don't specialize in security or basic web apps.
(2010.Sep.30 09:19 PM)zliplus Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, it logs you out when you log in from another location. Sites usually won't constantly check your security status due to overhead, so they'll just generate some sort of a keycode and store it (in cookies for low security). If emo grabs your cookie using his own website, he could potentially use it to get your session info and then manipulate the form data so it appears to be you playing.
Doing it this way means he's essentially piggybacking on your own session, which is why he said you need to be logged in. Of course, a cookie grabber could always steal your password, but that's more suspicious. This hack (which it is, rather than an exploit) is pretty obvious from any kind of back-end auditing though, since multiple IPs will be in one account simultaneously.
I make no promise of accuracy of any details, but the general idea should be right. I don't specialize in security or basic web apps.
WTF??? A woman is learning things? Since when are women allowed to get an education? Shouldnt they just be allowed to take Home Economics(Cleaning, cooking class)
(2010.Sep.30 09:33 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]WTF??? A woman is learning things? Since when are women allowed to get an education? Shouldnt they just be allowed to take Home Economics(Cleaning, cooking class)
You are so lucky I'm going to sleep and burned all my energy.