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(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]btw, zenith should be paying me credits, do you know how much it costs to hire security analysts?

as cheap as some energy drinks and pizza Wink Security Analyst is to hacker as domestic engineer is to housewife. A slight over-generalization, but close enough. Smile

btw, nice list of updates, Zen. Looking forward to some change and the whining to follow.
Thanks for putting it into laymans terms EMO. Up till that point I had no idea what an exploit was. Well except for the ones that have to do with borders Wink. Oh I know how to program soda machines so they read out any text you want as well, sorry wal-mart!


(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]btw, zenith should be paying me credits, do you know how much it costs to hire security analysts? Razz

Actually, you would be considered a beta tester since you're finding exploits.
not really, the product is already final and in production use. So how does a penetration expert sound Winky
(2010.Sep.30 07:59 AM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]not really, the product is already final and in production use. So how does a penetration expert sound Winky

That would be me since I can crack a safe lickity split Wink
(2010.Sep.29 03:37 PM)bconrad56 Wrote: [ -> ]Just got a new update from Zen in regards to the gang war system. Sounds like things will work out well with this.

Gang Wars will be revamped completely. They will no longer take action points or energy or what not. They will act on a "heartbeat" system. How this will be done is actually pretty complex code-wise, but simple when viewed on-screen. There won't be refresh-fests on attacks, nor will there be 2 second wars where the other gang doesn't even know they lost until they look at their gang events.

First of all, the gang-war page will utilize ajax/javascript to load data automatically, so no need to reload things. It will be live data up to the second. You will see who has entered the war, who is watching, and what their actions are. You can attack targets by clicking the target's icon. Phone users just need to tap. When damage is done to a hideout, the screen will automatically display the hideout's status and a log of what has happened.

It will act similar to an RTS, or real-time strategy system. Each player will have certain actions they can take, and the heartbeat system will basically countdown time until their action takes place. Level, skills, career will all determine how effective these actions are. Players, online or offline, can queue up their actions beforehand, or just make decisions when they feel it is necessary in real-time. So for example, if I want to just just snipe opponents from the safety of my hideout, I can queue that up until someone wins. If I want to control each action I can select them when needed during the war.

Hideouts will be completely redone. All gang points and funds used on gangs currently will be converted to the new system once it is finalized so nothing is lost. This gives gangs a chance to redo things in a sort of fresh-start. Since we will have an active beta test of it, every one will be going in with some sort of knowledge about the system beforehand so they don't screw themselves over with a decision they regret.

Each gang will have a home base, and the opportunity to build hideouts in other districts. Districts will have a revamped crimes/resources code done to make controlling districts useful and important for gang crimes. Gangs can go into other districts and start wars without a hideout to back them up, however this most likely will result in failure.

When wars begin, players will have one of three statuses. Inside the base, outside the base, and incapacitated. Each status has different actions available. Of course, those who are in the hospital and jail are incapacitated, and are unable to participate until they are out. Players outside the base can move around the battlefield, attack others outside of the bases, and perform actions against another's base. Players inside are protected until the hideout is ready to be overrun. They cannot attack others in standard PvP combat, they cannot train or do crimes, etc. However, they can help defend the hideout by sniping, repairing, or constructing.

And for those players who have phones, it should work fine on it. Those who have phones that can't handle javascript...that will be addressed as well. In effect it will do what I always wanted it to do, but I had lacked the experience to make. It will be a hybrid of real-time and turn-based.

Dire situation.
(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.29 08:44 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]^^ totally stolen, we are all top 10 endurance. drekhead.

oh btw, how does this make all of you feel, there is a possibility that i can use any of your accounts provided you are online, and you wont even notice!

Wouldn't we notice when it logs us out automatically?

nope. you wouldn't be logged out automatically. you would still be able to play as normal.

dont worry, the only way i can think of it being implemented would require you guys to actually click on a link for an external website first. so its not like people will just sneak into your account.

btw, zenith should be paying me credits, do you know how much it costs to hire security analysts? Razz

Granted, I know nothing about the finer aspects of coding, but whenever I'm on AL from more than one IP at a single time (i.e. phone and computer) it auto-logs me out. Why would this be any different?
Actually, it logs you out when you log in from another location. Sites usually won't constantly check your security status due to overhead, so they'll just generate some sort of a keycode and store it (in cookies for low security). If emo grabs your cookie using his own website, he could potentially use it to get your session info and then manipulate the form data so it appears to be you playing.

Doing it this way means he's essentially piggybacking on your own session, which is why he said you need to be logged in. Of course, a cookie grabber could always steal your password, but that's more suspicious. This hack (which it is, rather than an exploit) is pretty obvious from any kind of back-end auditing though, since multiple IPs will be in one account simultaneously.

I make no promise of accuracy of any details, but the general idea should be right. I don't specialize in security or basic web apps.
(2010.Sep.30 09:19 PM)zliplus Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, it logs you out when you log in from another location. Sites usually won't constantly check your security status due to overhead, so they'll just generate some sort of a keycode and store it (in cookies for low security). If emo grabs your cookie using his own website, he could potentially use it to get your session info and then manipulate the form data so it appears to be you playing.

Doing it this way means he's essentially piggybacking on your own session, which is why he said you need to be logged in. Of course, a cookie grabber could always steal your password, but that's more suspicious. This hack (which it is, rather than an exploit) is pretty obvious from any kind of back-end auditing though, since multiple IPs will be in one account simultaneously.

I make no promise of accuracy of any details, but the general idea should be right. I don't specialize in security or basic web apps.

WTF??? A woman is learning things? Since when are women allowed to get an education? Shouldnt they just be allowed to take Home Economics(Cleaning, cooking class)
(2010.Sep.30 09:33 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]WTF??? A woman is learning things? Since when are women allowed to get an education? Shouldnt they just be allowed to take Home Economics(Cleaning, cooking class)

You are so lucky I'm going to sleep and burned all my energy.
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