(2010.Sep.29 05:41 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like a bunch of stupid BS. Do something that people wanted ages ago FFS.
And why the hell cant Zen make a post like this and follow up on it. Instead she has to have some dishrag like bcon speak for her? Bcon, tell her she needs to get off the pipe and make these posts herself. She doesnt have 5 minutes or less to make an informing post? Horrible ideas.
Us phone players will only suffer for several months until she gets around to fixing issues.
Actually I think she had b-rag post that drek to to get all your hopes up. She aint gonna do drek losers!! HAHA!!!
+ the number of credits 7 raws has stolen
^^ totally stolen, we are all top 10 endurance. dickhead.
oh btw, how does this make all of you feel, there is a possibility that i can use any of your accounts provided you are online, and you wont even notice!
Sounds sweet. Along with retarded.
There wouldn't be much of a purpose, that is.
(2010.Sep.29 08:44 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]oh btw, how does this make all of you feel, there is a possibility that i can use any of your accounts provided you are online, and you wont even notice!
feel free. now zen can keep an eye out for unusual activity and get you banned. again. ya know at first i thought you were a decent guy but you're actually quite the chode muncher
its a possibility, not an actuality. and dont worry im not going to waste my time devising a method to implement this.
Tommi what do you mean? someone malicious could get into you account and sell your house, your weapons, everything.
johnshonhalo, i am a decent guy. and there is no way zen would be able to trace aforementioned attack back to me. Get her to send me a PM about it and i will tell her what it is, i think she has me mail blocked.
I find crunchy to be a rather intriguing character.
let him find all the exploits he wants, i dont see the issue as long as he doesnt use them... that was the only problem i had with the credit crunch...
(2010.Sep.29 08:44 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]^^ totally stolen, we are all top 10 endurance. drekhead.
oh btw, how does this make all of you feel, there is a possibility that i can use any of your accounts provided you are online, and you wont even notice!
Wouldn't we notice when it logs us out automatically?
(2010.Sep.29 08:53 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]I find crunchy to be a rather intriguing character.
let him find all the exploits he wants, i dont see the issue as long as he doesnt use them... that was the only problem i had with the credit crunch...
i agree duchbag, unfortunately when i tested the credit crunch i was a bit overzealous with the 0's. So everyone thinks i was trying to get away with the equivalent of murder.
(2010.Sep.29 08:55 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.29 08:44 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]^^ totally stolen, we are all top 10 endurance. drekhead.
oh btw, how does this make all of you feel, there is a possibility that i can use any of your accounts provided you are online, and you wont even notice!
Wouldn't we notice when it logs us out automatically?
nope. you wouldn't be logged out automatically. you would still be able to play as normal.
dont worry, the only way i can think of it being implemented would require you guys to actually click on a link for an external website first. so its not like people will just sneak into your account.
btw, zenith should be paying me credits, do you know how much it costs to hire security analysts?

After reading all this.........
1. I hoped Zen would have put her energy into improvements she can do. There are a lot of small improvements that can still be done.
Remember Zen, this is a product and when we like it we donate.
2. Employ someone that can help her out with coding.
2.a Give incentives to EMO to try and find exploits. He obviously has the upper hand with the coding issue.
While the new format might be a change a beta test would have been nice.
(2010.Sep.29 08:52 PM)emocakes Wrote: [ -> ]its a possibility, not an actuality. and dont worry im not going to waste my time devising a method to implement this.
Tommi what do you mean? someone malicious could get into you account and sell your house, your weapons, everything.
johnshonhalo, i am a decent guy. and there is no way zen would be able to trace aforementioned attack back to me. Get her to send me a PM about it and i will tell her what it is, i think she has me mail blocked.
your head is about as thick as a nuclear fallout shelter. and zen doesn't reply to anyone.