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(2010.Sep.25 05:21 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.25 05:19 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]you get leaves for 54 minutes?

ive noticed occasionally that the higher you get in level and when you beat a higher leveled opponent they tend to get higher times sometimes.

but 54 min is funny for a zerk or hosp.

Yeah it looks like it is based on level a lot. I can get up to 51 minutes. Zerk sucks though
btw bender is a possy Smile
(2010.Sep.25 05:27 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.25 05:19 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]you get leaves for 54 minutes?

before zen reworked the leave hosp times a bit, the higher level that beat you put you in for a longer time... just like the higher level you bite off with the higher hosp time you get...atleast thats the way it seems to look to me

yep....i got leaves for up to 70 min before she fixed the shit....stupid
(2010.Sep.25 12:00 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]You pound BenderRodriguez to a bloody pulp. Your blood lust isn't quenched however, and you continue to pulverize your opponent until exhausted. After catching your breath you stagger off.

Experience Earned : 0
Hospitalization Time : 54

no zerk should be equal to a the least 3 times one....just stupid

Thats definitely silly
(2010.Sep.25 05:19 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]you get leaves for 54 minutes?

I have gotten leaves for 60+ mins and I have gotten Bite Off's for well over 100 mins.

Seriously think the Berserk code needs an overhaul!!


(2010.Sep.26 10:10 AM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously think the Berserk code needs an overhaul!!


Seriously this code needs a 100% rework. IMO Zerks should give at least 5 mins for every level.


level 15 would give 75 mins
level 20 would give 100 mins
level 50 would give 250 mins

and so on and so forth.
she cant fix the zerck times with an appropriate minimum, bc I have been telling her we need one for over 2 years and that would mean i was right and she was wrong. so it will never happen.
What's an appropriate minimum? Since you're right and she's wrong. About a game. Online.
(2010.Sep.26 02:12 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]What's an appropriate minimum? Since you're right and she's wrong. About a game. Online.

You were saying..........about a game.....?
(2010.Sep.26 02:12 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]What's an appropriate minimum? Since you're right and she's wrong. About a game. Online.

game to you, its a business and a job for her.
Didn't know I was asking if it was a business/job to Zenith. lol Thought I was asking about appropriate time minimums for zerks.
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