Or you could have a tall, heady mug of shut the fug up.
Learn to manage your money, kid. The real world will eat you alive, if you can't manage a little math on a notepad.
(2010.Sep.25 08:05 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Or you could have a tall, heady mug of shut the fug up.
Learn to manage your money, kid. The real world will eat you alive, if you can't manage a little math on a notepad.
Anyone who associates the real world with game cash is a hardcore gamer. tool
You can't manage fake, online cash.

Math is your friend is the whole basis of my argument. If you can't manage money on here, I'd be amazed if you can handle money in real life.
(2010.Sep.26 03:31 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You can't manage fake, online cash.
Math is your friend is the whole basis of my argument. If you can't manage money on here, I'd be amazed if you can handle money in real life.
difference is i am careful with my money in real life. Here, if i lose 100k on gambling, yea its annoying, but its not going to affect anything important. If i lose money in real life, i am fucked. So yea i know how to manage money in real life. 100 dollars a week set to the side for weed. 100 for alcohol per week. And then thats about all i spend my money on.