What do you guys say to being able to have more than one bank account? I would like that because it would be able to sort out money more easily. I would like one for housing funds, and one for credit uses and weapons. I always waste my money on credits that should have been used for housing. And maybe have one that is dedicated to gambling too. Then i wouldn't have managed to lose 130k in the past 2 days on roulette. What are your thoughts?
Learn to keep track of your money better and problem solved. I personally would be highly dissappointed if something like this was implimented as a major update to the game. There are many more things we want and/or need as a community and for game progression than an extra lame bank account.
(2010.Sep.23 05:19 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]Learn to keep track of your money better and problem solved. I personally would be highly dissappointed if something like this was implimented as a major update to the game. There are many more things we want and/or need as a community and for game progression than an extra lame bank account.
i know its not a major thing, and other updates needs to be implemented first. I was just saying it would be helpful. Oh, speaking of things needing to be fixed, can we have the old attack logs back?
keep dreaming. pretty sure err was the main programmer, things died when he started to go inactive. maybe zen should get some people from outside the game to help program instead of mod a boring forum.

Only reason I'd want a new bank account would be for the free gift.
(2010.Sep.23 08:02 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Only reason I'd want a new bank account would be for the free gift.
A TOASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last time, I got a cooler for referring someone. Thing's beast.
Sweet! That beats my free $50 after I deposit my first $1000.
just use excel. I have to with $27mil in funds loaned out right now. works wonders
(2010.Sep.24 05:05 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]just use excel. I have to with $27mil in funds loaned out right now. works wonders
Or how about just using multiple bank accounts?