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(2010.Sep.12 07:30 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.12 07:28 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.12 07:24 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Well, why don't you come to industrial, nimbus yourself to healthy, and zerk me? You were supposed to attack me, anyway...And another thing you didn't know about my first year here, Glenn; I was constantly being hosped by people. Wink I don't have THAT big a head-start over you.

dude my first year was in xpats. i was constantly being hosped by sw and sv. you think i had it any easier? lol

i never hosped you once.

you sure? well conny and bird did... lol
well except that one time. and them other 50+ times. but thats it.
(2010.Sep.12 07:52 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]well except that one time. and them other 50+ times. but thats it.

haha.. yeah i remember them gay hosp times you gave me... was like you where hitting me with the sw feather duster you guys use during initiation...... bird told me all about your freaky stuff.
(2010.Sep.12 08:08 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.12 07:52 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]well except that one time. and them other 50+ times. but thats it.

haha.. yeah i remember them gay hosp times you gave me... was like you where hitting me with the sw feather duster you guys use during initiation...... bird told me all about your freaky stuff.

the feather duster just ended up in ur butt. you dont remember anything prior?Winky
(2010.Sep.12 08:17 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Ive felt the wrath of the feather duster also. But I enjoyed it.
(2010.Sep.12 08:17 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Ive felt the wrath of the cookie duster also. But I enjoyed it.



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