Please keep on topic thank you
Come on Guys and Gals!! How many ppl play this game and ONLY 2 ppl made an effort to offer up a diff fightlog??? Put on your imagination caps and diddle up something!!!
(2010.Sep.08 11:12 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]I was never a fan of the old fight logs, but if the new ones need an overhaul I'm not against it.
Anyone want to make a screen mockup for how they think it SHOULD look? The information isn't tough to put on-screen.... knowing what you want to see is the issue.
wheres Thor when you need him? its been previously described in detail some of the things that would make it better.
(2010.Sep.11 08:49 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.11 08:48 PM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]diddle
lol i was thinking the same thing
(2010.Sep.11 11:18 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.11 08:49 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.11 08:48 PM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]diddle
lol i was thinking the same thing
I needed something to catch ppls attention....