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(2010.Sep.08 05:26 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]if you cant understand the new fight logger then maybe its time to call up an adults illiteracy hot line or something.

+1, what's so hard to understand about it?
the problem with the fight logger is that its all garbled together. no real order to it. too much useless stuff thrown in. she could have added a couple new things to the old one and it would have been fine. the new one sucks to try and read on the phone also.
(2010.Sep.08 04:18 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.08 03:04 PM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]I am wishing for a new/ old Fightlogger.... I still cannot make heads or tails of the one we are currently using and I KNOW I'm not the only one.

How do I convince Admin to go back to the OLD logger but keep the new information that i'm sure would be useful if I could figure out what it's trying to tell me?

~ Signed Frustrated~

i'll drink to that.

an EXP logger would be nice. cant take more than 300 seconds to code.

And I'll drink to that as well Wink
[Image: raptorjesus.jpg]

how sad.
(2010.Sep.08 05:28 PM)Shaman Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.08 05:26 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]if you cant understand the new fight logger then maybe its time to call up an adults illiteracy hot line or something.

+1, what's so hard to understand about it?

It's NOT Dyslexic Friendly
(2010.Sep.08 06:09 PM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.08 05:28 PM)Shaman Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.08 05:26 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]if you cant understand the new fight logger then maybe its time to call up an adults illiteracy hot line or something.

+1, what's so hard to understand about it?

It's NOT Dyslexic Friendly

Well that's probably the first decent reason I have heard from anyone about why they don't like the new figh log. gg howl.
I was never a fan of the old fight logs, but if the new ones need an overhaul I'm not against it.

Anyone want to make a screen mockup for how they think it SHOULD look? The information isn't tough to put on-screen.... knowing what you want to see is the issue.
(2010.May.12 06:10 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ]Go back to the 2 column system and have a chart for each opponent you faced. But instead of putting them side by side, have them going down the page.
For example.

Attack Type Hospitalization
Attack Result Win
Total Combat Rounds 25
Experience Points Earned 0.0
Hospital Minutes for Loser 198, 205
Attack Time Apr 15 2010 - 11:06:35 pm
Defender's Last Action Prior to Attack Apr 15 2010 - 9:49:10 pm, Apr 15 2010 - 6:11:17 pm

Combatants FailboatExpress redsoxfan
Level During Fight 40 25
Starting Health 2050 Healthy
Hits 8 3
Best Hit 456 35
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 58 1,693
Total Damage Resisted 55 151
Total Damage Taken 3 1,542
Damage Received Per Hit 19.33 211.63
Damage Resisted Per Hit 18.33 18.88
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 1.00 192.75

Combatants FailboatExpress GetInnocuous
Level During Fight 40 26
Starting Health 2050 Healthy
Hits 10 1
Best Hit 411 33
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 33 1,591
Total Damage Resisted 25 215
Total Damage Taken 8 1,376
Damage Received Per Hit 33.00 159.10
Damage Resisted Per Hit 25.00 21.50
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 8.00 137.60

Combatants FailboatExpress Multiple Targets
Hits 18 4
Best Hit 456 35
Gang Points 0 0
Total Damage Received 91 3,284
Total Damage Resisted 80 366
Total Damage Taken 11 2,918
Damage Received Per Hit 26.17 185.37
Damage Resisted Per Hit 21.67 20.19
Actual Damage Taken Per Hit 4.50 165.18
I like what CF suggests... there's a few of the new things i'd like added to it... like the armor info which could go in the top part. But that is easy on the eyes.
throw encumberance rating in there too
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