(2010.Sep.03 05:59 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.03 06:10 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]Man Aunty dave its been a long time but you finally came back to talk on the forums and it is just as pathetic as ever. welcome back!
God I missed the love.
P.S. The moron sends me a nastygram today after I offered him an easy way out. An aopology and $1 to be donated to a newby of my choice as a warning to him/her on how NOT to act when offlined at random.
(2010.Sep.02 10:23 PM)McCule Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: gay+spider+man.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_eaeTtZ4TXls/SIaoWFD0FBI/AAAAAAAAARU/cg-mSci6egU/s400/gay+spider+man.jpg)
P.S. Where'd you get that pic of brocks from anyway?
can't be brocks. he doesn't even like spiderman.
•The message is too short. Please enter a longer message
The bitch slappin' continues I guess.
(2011.Feb.02 09:18 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Sep.02 07:49 PM)UncleDave Wrote: [ -> ]Just wondering how some peeps would react if this was the reply email you received following a single, lone offline attack (no mug, no hosp, no zerk). One single offline 40 minutes after the player went inactive.
what happened?
im going to punch you in your vagina for making me read this thinking it was at all relevant...
i'll make sure to wear gloves, wouldn't want the chance of catchin your genital warts...oops, cats outta the bag on that one i guess
that almost sounds.....gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, reject.