I feel there should be a level cap for attacks on others during competitions like the previous Easter Egg Hunt, the current Shooting competition and any future ones so high players (not all mind you) that do not believe in it being fair, do not decide to steamroll all the others below them. I feel maybe 5 level cap but will not put that here. Will start a separate poll on the LVL cap if this gets many votes for yes. I am sure many high members will say no so all you mid and lower members tell your friends to come here and vote too. Let's vote for a possible change.

i also believe that in some competitions, the rewards should be split my level too. maybe there couple be a top 5 for levels 22-35, 12-21, and 1-11, not necessarily prizes and rewards for that, but recognition and little special award tags on their profile. i would just like to see some new players get recognized T_T altho dayute is winning right now.. never know. that kids a machine tho, wtfr
Quote:Points earned will be in proportion of maximum action points, thus making any level have an equal chance of winning.
All competitons so far have been set up for anyone having a chance to win, sometimes you have to decipher what Zen puts up there on how to win. Level 14 is winning right now
Yeah, level caps will just drive a bigger wedge between low and high level players. Community events are typically (and should be) designed so that anyone regardless of level can win.
The only wedge I see is that the high members can't attack a far lower member. Imagine a new player here in AWL. He or she is LVL 1-5 let's say. A competion comes up and they play and play and play as it seems like Dayute is doing. If they do not have to worry about being attacked by a far higher level player if they get on the boards then the competition stays going in their mind and they enjoy it more. Keep the same prize but just make it that if you see somebody above you in the rankings and you are jealous, DESPERATE, or whatever and you feel like attacking or hospitalizing them so you can win you will not have the chance if you are 5 levels or higher than they are. You will have to win by sheer time on the game vice attacking your way to the top.
i understand that competitions like this generally are made so that lower levels have the same chance to win, but just think about it this way
if you are more active, you generally level up faster (unless you are specifically trying not to, which i mean.. sure). the people who are already active are already getting top levels. note the people who've recently won the activity contests - jackreacher was level 15 in 2nd place, which isnt bad, and the other two were upper 20s. same thing for the first one - although yoda wasnt a top level at that point, since he is active like crazy, he reaches a high level
in general, the more active you are, the higher the level you are, but some people dont have that opportunity. i was just throwing it out there as a possibility for those who arent able to compete like that (i wouldnt even win the 12-21 division, so this isnt a cry for me to get a ribbon)
No one is suggesting a 1-11, 12-21, etc... group competition. It was brought up to limit a high level player from attacking a far lower one in order to win vice just logging in more. I am glad we have mid level players sitting high on the board now. WOOT!!!!!!!!!! Only question is will they still be there when some higher level players get DESPERATE and decide they would rather win by attacking those higher players. I am glad we still have honorable people like ChiefEagle, the elders (all of them even if a new name) and some others whobelieve in the spirit of the game and will login to win vice try to steamroll people and then get upset if somebody says something to them about it. I salute you honorable people here in game. Unfortunately can't find an emoticon so <SALUTE>.
Scorpious Wrote:No one is suggesting a 1-11, 12-21, etc... group competition. It was brought up to limit a high level player from attacking a far lower one in order to win vice just logging in more. I am glad we have mid level players sitting high on the board now. WOOT!!!!!!!!!! Only question is will they still be there when some higher level players get DESPERATE and decide they would rather win by attacking those higher players. I am glad we still have honorable people like ChiefEagle, the elders (all of them even if a new name) and some others whobelieve in the spirit of the game and will login to win vice try to steamroll people and then get upset if somebody says something to them about it. I salute you honorable people here in game. Unfortunately can't find an emoticon so <SALUTE>.
Do you think, in the real world, if several organized crime gangs were going for the same piece of the pie, they'd shake hands and settle it at (inanimate) target practice? Or on the soccer field?
Just throwing this idea out there.

Scorpious Wrote:No one is suggesting a 1-11, 12-21, etc... group competition. .
EVERYBODY WANTS THAT DUDE!!!! You would see fair game there man...
Also a Champions League Contest...all the winners from the past and present going for a contest!!! Another fair game...
Trust me, its just a matter of time and more ppl emailing Zen about it. I know I did!!!!
ever heard of D1, D2, D1A, D1AA, etc? different divisions for people who arent quite at the top, but they still can win trophies. and that was what I WAS suggesting, it was my idea, and i was throwing it out there