(2010.Aug.25 06:35 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]to say to them they done well isn't a big thing.
"they done well"?!
Umm ok, can grammar 101 now PLEASE be a requirement for mods?
(2010.Aug.25 07:18 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]for the record, i would take my gang over yours anyday.
You have no clue what it is like to be in a real gang. Our founders have been friends for years before AL. About half of us have met in RL. We are loyal to each other to the death, something your gang can never say. I am bored to death with this game, as was Pun, we are here bc of our friendships within the gang. Can't wait til our next annual get together, hope to see some of you SVs again! And no Wook, you aren't invited, thank your "friends", sorry you can't call your gangmates that like we can.
(2010.Aug.26 10:21 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.25 06:35 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]to say to them they done well isn't a big thing.
"they done well"?!
Umm ok, can grammar 101 now PLEASE be a requirement for mods?
(2010.Aug.25 07:18 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]for the record, i would take my gang over yours anyday.
You have no clue what it is like to be in a real gang. Our founders have been friends for years before AL. About half of us have met in RL. We are loyal to each other to the death, something your gang can never say. I am bored to death with this game, as was Pun, we are here bc of our friendships within the gang. Can't wait til our next annual get together, hope to see some of you SVs again! And no Wook, you aren't invited, thank your "friends", sorry you can't call your gangmates that like we can.
once again cheets is on the drink al. assuming things again. no one cares that you have mass orgies with your sv loser gang friends. i log on to play an online game. if i make friends so be it. i have friends outside of here for get togethers and things. if you are so bored to death with this game then don't let the door hit you on the way out love.
(2010.Aug.26 10:42 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]no one cares that you have mass orgies with your sv loser gang friends. i log on to play an online game. if i make friends so be it. i have friends outside of here for get togethers and things. if you are so bored to death with this game then don't let the door hit you on the way out love.
And your pleading mail to Pun, to please tell Cheetah you were genuine in your apology, lmao, you are so two faced, I seriously doubt you have RL friends, let alone online ones. Sorry, but I have both, bc I don't treat people the way you do.
(2010.Aug.26 10:54 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.26 10:42 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]no one cares that you have mass orgies with your sv loser gang friends. i log on to play an online game. if i make friends so be it. i have friends outside of here for get togethers and things. if you are so bored to death with this game then don't let the door hit you on the way out love.
And your pleading mail to Pun, to please tell Cheetah you were genuine in your apology, lmao, you are so two faced, I seriously doubt you have RL friends, let alone online ones. Sorry, but I have both, bc I don't treat people the way you do.
i told pun to let you know my mails last week where genuine. you assumed i was trying to get some sort of information out of you for a war that hadn't happened or was something i was even thinking we would be involved in. i question your character, somebody has the decency to say sorry for telling you to stick your head up your ass, and what do you do?? you bring a private mail to the forums. talk bout two faced. go and eadp biatch.
(2010.Aug.26 11:01 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]somebody has the decency to say sorry for telling you to stick your head up your arse, and what do you do??
someone with decency doesn't tell someone to stick their head up their arse in the first place, just sayin...
-Person with no decency.-

Go stick your head up your ass, Harry.
Everyone, stick your heads up your ass's! Its the new thing all the cool kids are doing!