ok, you [one person] out there who craves realism, on workaholic day:
instead of 1 hour per career turn, you use up 15 minutes, therefore making a maximum of 48 career turns (career hours for us dumb, non-mensa types) for both regular work and overtime.
but on this special day, you get PAID the same amount for a normal hour every 15 minutes
ok. everyone's happy. now stfu.
This may shock you. I am a non-mensa type. I slept with a few though!
(2010.Jul.21 06:00 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]This may shock you. I am a non-mensa type. I slept with a few though!
No, it doesn't really shock anyone.
And you most likely work for someone just like me!
(2010.Jul.21 12:39 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]And you most likely work for someone just like me!
Nope. I can guarantee you that that's not the case.

(2010.Jul.21 05:57 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]I LIKEZ REALISM
ok, you [one person] out there who craves realism, on workaholic day:
instead of 1 hour per career turn, you use up 15 minutes, therefore making a maximum of 48 career turns (career hours for us dumb, non-mensa types) for both regular work and overtime.
but on this special day, you get PAID the same amount for a normal hour every 15 minutes
ok. everyone's happy. now stfu.
Actually, he was not the only one who prefers realism since this is essentially an SF game. But I like this version of your idea. And, human nature being what it is, the paid the same amount for a normal hour every 15 minutes (presumably as an incentive for a crucial deadline!) probably goes a ways towards explaining why we'd be more productive on that day. ^o^
+1 . ^_~
I still think "unlimited" is too much. Maybe if I still had a stash of clovers to smoke, but even then I think "extended" work day would be better. Career and skills are only build with time, and the idea of throwing this out of whack seems risky. It probably wouldn't cause any problems, but I don't like the idea that somebody could gain in a day what took me a month to earn(and you can refresh ap with special items)
(2010.Jul.20 08:49 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jul.20 08:46 PM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]How is it that when peolpe get caught stealing cars their free to go after 2-3 hours?
crooked system aint it.. 
why is it that when you get mugged, you don't lose all your stuff? surely no one that would mug somebody is gunna leave any cash on em........
take it up with zen.