(2010.Jul.19 01:46 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]How about AL closes 1 day a week so you guys can see there is a whole world outside AL
Why would you want that to happen? You love AL.
(2010.Jul.19 01:46 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]How about AL closes 1 day a week so you guys can see there is a whole world outside AL
what is this outside you speak of? i only see some blinding object glaring through my blinds
wtf is the problem w/ unlimited career points for one day?
u cant refresh AP
maximum amounts someone could reasonably get -
100 hours
150 is MAX
keep in mind, it would probably regular hours, then overtime hours, then double overtime hours (similar to a weekend, but on this special day, it would be MORE AP and not any extra bonus)
so even more realistic would be a 40-60 hour day, like a work week
and talk about REALISM when i do a full 12 hours of "career work" in 35 minutes. frag off about that stuff
so lets assume 40-60 hours based on numbers
thats a maximum of 3,000 career points in one super bonus day that occurs very rarely. its like 5-6 days of career stacked into one day. BIG DEAL.
gymboree is a 3% bonus w/ a trainer that reduces happiness by 0, and u can refresh all day. tons of gym gains.
battleground is a place where u can get hit hard and only get 10 minutes in the hospital and insta-port to decatur
it sounds better now that you add a cap to it. it would add some needed flavA to the game.
edited this post b/c i think trolls' posts were removed?
Its okay Poptart
I'm sure someone will pop your tart
i must be stoned or something, coulda sworn there were more posts here which is why i said what i did, thought people were trolling like mad.... sleep......
(2010.Jul.19 06:37 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]wtf is the problem w/ unlimited career points for one day?
u cant refresh AP
maximum amounts someone could reasonably get -
100 hours
150 is MAX
keep in mind, it would probably regular hours, then overtime hours, then double overtime hours (similar to a weekend, but on this special day, it would be MORE AP and not any extra bonus)
so even more realistic would be a 40-60 hour day, like a work week
and talk about REALISM when i do a full 12 hours of "career work" in 35 minutes. frag off about that stuff
so lets assume 40-60 hours based on numbers
thats a maximum of 3,000 career points in one super bonus day that occurs very rarely. its like 5-6 days of career stacked into one day. BIG DEAL.
gymboree is a 3% bonus w/ a trainer that reduces happiness by 0, and u can refresh all day. tons of gym gains.
battleground is a place where u can get hit hard and only get 10 minutes in the hospital and insta-port to decatur
Sounds good enough, but for the sake of simplicity, take out all overtime... just leave it all as straight time.
just accept that career is what it is. maybe what you should be asking for is rdo's and sick leave. i say vote in a labor govt, they will assist your plight.