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(2010.Jul.05 10:06 AM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]BLOC DE QUEBECQUOIS
You are speaking gibberish.
And once again, thank you for proving the point in which I was trying to make. If you expect me to b*itch about the fact that you can talk shit or hospitalize little ole me, then you are mistaken.
I am sorry if you felt slighted by the fact that you posted the exact thing I was trying to point out, but it happens.
Then why'd you post any kind of response to his hosp?
Meh, I never said I didn't have an opinion on it and though I generally don't comment on the forum (due to this reason), I felt like what the hell, if I was going to be hosp'd it might as well be over a real reason.
A real reason? Telling him to take his little dicked self to a nudist colony so that women won't make fun of his knot hole anymore is a real reason. Telling him not to have an opinion about moderating that could or could not be crappy isn't a real reason, seeing as you're pushing your opinion, too.
(2010.Jul.05 10:43 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]A real reason? Telling him to take his little dicked self to a nudist colony so that women won't make fun of his knot hole anymore is a real reason. Telling him not to have an opinion about moderating that could or could not be crappy isn't a real reason, seeing as you're pushing your opinion, too.
It is
my opinion, based on the observations from posts that I have seen, modded and/or deleted in the past. I did
not say anyone should not have an opinion or even to state them, but to realize when posting comments that could be questionable, in the opinion of the mods, that it could open it's self up to censure.
I am guilty of my own opinions, right or wrong. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. But then again, since I am stating my opinion, I still feel my opinion is justified by the oh so snappy comeback that was made to the original post.
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