How about the possibility to purchase EMP grenades, then have the chance to attack someone with one, and it knocks off say -1 ACC or -1 RES and then you can follow up with a real attack, perhaps a grenade attack could use half the energy of a normal attack. Maybe it knocks off a cyber modifier at random. The loss of the modifier would only be temp and would refresh after say 30 mins or after a further attack
what i was suggesting was so temporary that its only on the attack itself and not afterwards
but thats not a bad idea either - except if you do that it could possibly be abused, multilpe people using EMP grenades on the same person making their upgrades nullified.
although that could be a REALLY good idea if EMP grenades are hella expensive, like maybe 5,000 per grenade, because that would add up, while cybernetic upgrades are permanent
The EMP would be great when fighting someone with the first 2 upgrades but what about the last ones
"Cultured bionetic eye replacements are merely standard bionetic eye replacements grown from stem-cells from the recipient."
This means it is organic so the EMP will do jack.
But if its organic why would it affect your humanity?
"bionetic eyes"
implies they are still robotic, just much closer to real eyes than the other shiny metal ones. they LOOK real, they arent real. hence why they reduce humanity by the most
I was thinking how bout you get to choose your defense weapons based on attackers weapon. ie Equip Defensive Default setup. Kinda like bringing a knife to a gun fight.