With the rise in cyborgs and enhanced humans on the game, how about developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that counteract the opponents modifiers, perhaps an option for players wanting to stay 'pure'
Interesting idea

Definitely interesting
Though since the cybernetics can be so expensive (depending on which you go for) you might need something to offset that like.. say.. pulse batteries that run out of charge perhaps? Or at least something that must be paid for regularly (sorta like an upkeep cost maybe or it doesn't work).
Something like guns needing ammo or along those lines...
Hey you stole my idea.

I was thinking an Emp Web Gun, it shoots out a web and then as it hits the target it sends out an electric charge to fry circuts. That way you would have to use an ammo of sorts.
There's already a penalty for using cyberware in slower energy/happiness refill. And you can't tell people to load on upgrades to boost their combats stats and then put up a new item that will counter that after 100's of K if not millions have been spent in it... In my opinion at least.
If I didn't have any mods, I'd say "That's an awesome idea!"
Since I have mods... "Dumb"
Its just a way to balancee the game. To keep robots from totally destroying the human with their jetpacks and laser eyes

if your weapon is the cyber-disabler, then that would be your weapon. once you disable their cyber-stuff they're left with natural ability and a real weapon. you'd be s.o.l. with your silly little electronic pulse and a pair of fists.
maybe you could have armour that reduced the effect of upgrades instead of increasing your ability to resist hits.
well if you have an EMP style weapon (or something to your idea), it could work something like this
Pulse Rifle
Standard rifle with new electromagnetic technology able to stand off against cybernetic upgrades. if shot too many times in succession (limited attacks, but could be screwed if you get attacked too much) can overheat and needs to cool down for an hour.
with constantly pulsing electromagnetic waves, cybernetic technology can be rendered useless, but the pulse rifle is still rudimentary and severly underdeveloped, with very long magnetic waves that miss more often than they hit. 30% chance to disable an opponents cybernetic upgrades
this idea doesnt have to be a definite youre owned no more cybernetic upgrades 4 u, it can be played around with. also, one of the catches would be that if you have a cybernetic upgrade and you use this weapon, if it disables your enemy's upgrades it would disable your own.... soooo wouldnt be wise to use unless youre low upgraded
what if you make it so this idea weapon only disables a LITTLE bit of the cybernetics? like -1 cyber stat? just like a reduced armor or something that most games still have, this isnt black and white, and i really like the idea (pure human here, i admits it)