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Full Version: how do you think the shotgun recreation was handled?
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(2010.May.27 09:42 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]looks like the shotgun is tweaked again. wheres the announcement?

not a good tweak?
Die unendliche Geschichte...
public poll'd
Bitch you without me is like Harold Melvin without the Blue Notes, you'll never go platinum! ...
Where is the option for

"Who gives a fuck can I get back to my obsessive clicking now please"

that would be my vote


It's a habit more than an obsession for most of us.

(2010.May.28 09:34 PM)Chymere Wrote: [ -> ]It's a habit more than an obsession for most of us.


Randomlands? I think not.

Best Single Natural Melee Hit with New Combat Code (Version 17+)

Rank User Damage
1 {|SGC|} AsgardThor 1,753
2 ^V^ DHorse10 1,605
3 SP^CE spacebird 1,488
I don't see you on there...
no, probably won't but, the point being that not long after all the metalstorm stuff and the threads about how all weapons should be equal there is a crit to match cheetah's
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