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its not bitccching when you are right. its called holding people accountable, not allowing yourself to be silently run-over and not accepting a flawed product. pretty much like in real life.
(2010.May.25 09:41 AM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.25 05:57 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.25 02:35 AM)LikeWhoa Wrote: [ -> ]no, because the cost of upgrades should be based on the gang capacity.

and it's f'd up the shotgun got upgraded. you only hear people bitchin about the shotgun cause it's the most used weapon. if shotgun gets upgraded, so should every other weapon.

i feel bad for the one guy who uses short blade. he must have no say at all.

no kidding. if shotgun users wanted the crits of an axe user, then they should've switched weapon class. now shotty is clearly the best route to go. i think it's time for me to start concentrating on accuracy...
clearly, the whole weapon class has been changed. there was never shotty users getting the crits of other weapon classes, no matter the somehow shotgun users crit higher then all.


Actually top crits were shotty before the riot axe, and even then they were really close! Only recently has the axe been much of a PvP weapon at all! It used to be pistol vs shotty vs long blade... Axes were for hideouts.

I do agree though for the most part though... But Shotty has always been slightly better PvP since I started the game! So sorry SB the whole you wanna axe crit is not how things have been in the past!

People who had cash went shotty, and those who didn't went melee... But the issue that was raised was that the HVS could win more than the new 420 shot gun and that was wrong (waste of cash)!

The point that the other weapons might need to be tweaked as well is the real question! And I think Very valid!


#1. the main gripe (from what i've seen) was that the shotgun wasn't getting the crits of the hvs...not that it wasn't winning.
#2. there were very few axe users in the time frame you speak of and even fewer that had the stats to obtain the huge hits. how can you determine what a weapon could or could not do when there was no player pool to speak of strong enough using that weapon class?
#3. sure the shotty has always hit for a better pvp average and still does...only now it hits for the average, highest hit, and descent hideout damage. you're a retard to choose any other class.
#4. cheetah goes from a 1,164 on the old poi to a 1,700+ on the new one with a blink. maybe i'm stupid but that doesn't seem in-line with the way the item class was built. using this a a gauge, the people at the top of the old list should be hitting for 2k yet i have yet to see a 1500 like i have with the riot axe.
#5. i never complained to zenith because i just assumed the weapons were created with growth in mind and because i felt she probably had other things to do other than leaf through a bunch of numbers...obviously not.
#6. this is totally f ucked and knocks everything previously out of whack.
naah, i agree with bird here...long blade melees always had bigger crits i thought because there hideout hits were/are absolute shit and the avg maybe a little lower over the long haul...

axes were always a little worse pvp wise(atleast the lower end axes) but got great hideout hits

i always understood shotty to be good hideout hits, great average pvp, decent crits but nothing super special

now it seems to be monster crits, best avg, good hideout hits...

if you can afford it, definitely go shotty now if you're in the game for the long haul...
the thing is, with skills added, once you choose a weapon you're stuck with it. I can't change my weapon when I've put 10 months into building a weapon skill. So, if when I upgrade, I find out my new weapon sucks, I'm either stuck with it, or I can btch on the forum. It is bs, one weapon shouldn't be altered to please the mob. If I started a thread complaining about my weapon it would die in an hour and people would think I'm stupider then they already do. Thats why, in the past, I've edited my posts complaining about having to keep boosting int, even though it has made no difference in years. It was my choice, nobody gives a fck, so I should shut up.
i heard the new pistol gets great crits,,,if you melt it down into bullets and fire them out of the new shotty
(2010.May.25 03:30 PM)BigJoe Wrote: [ -> ]i heard the new pistol gets great crits,,,if you melt it down into bullets and fire them out of the new shotty

With the new weapon's endurance requirment so high, the so called non-donator and donator's weapon are no different. They are all donator's weapon with the exception of BLUNT, the donator of donator weapon. Having to put credit into INT and END is pretty tough.

Shotgun just happens to be occupied by many high level donators. Therefore, their voices are loader.

Just Curious, who else is using the new non-shotgun weapon? Bird, Ronin, Asgardthor, and I are pretty much it.
I still don't think shotguns are strong enough. They criticals should be limitless, their potential infinite, and requirements; none. Only then will they be good enough.

Also, no other weapon, melee or ranged, should share the same benefits.
This debate always comes down to the "top hit". It's never who has the most damage dealt over the long run, it's only the macho "who hit the hardest".

The shotgun was the best ranged weapon prior to when skills were released. Before skills, there were no other ranged weapon "groups". You progressed to the shotty. Once skills were introduced, I had to make ranged weapons for each of the 4 ranged skills. Those who had shotguns didn't sell and get an assault rifle or SMG, they merely stuck with the shotgun and trained it.

The new shotgun WAS better than the older shotgun, however no matter how many times I'd explain that it did more damage per hit, it wasn't a good enough reason.

They wanted that max hit. That's all they cared about. It's extremely demotivating to constantly have complaints about this, especially when many of the complaints are merely cherry-picked examples. For those self-righteously suggest I caved to the complaints, you're probably right. But give me some sort of credit. I do try to adjust the weapons to be pretty close in the long run.

I'll get the weapon right, even if I have to merely make every weapon released lately the exact same. That would be downright boring though.
(2010.May.25 04:01 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]I still don't think shotguns are strong enough. They criticals should be limitless, their potential infinite, and requirements; none. Only then will they be good enough.

Also, no other weapon, melee or ranged, should share the same benefits.
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