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No an den.
(2010.May.21 12:22 PM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]The cost of living on AL takes up at least half if not more than what u gain in criming. You arent taking that into account.
And SB ur being an idiot... as usual.

i figured as long as i held up my end of the bargain by fcking myself, i was allowed to post what i bad for misunderstanding.
You people realize that you don't have to play this game if you don't like it, right?

Or would everyone rather just make a large, dramatic production out of everything?
i wonder what jesus would do...
I believe he would make a large dramatic production out of everything.
(2010.May.21 03:05 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]i wonder what jesus would do...

i would cum again... thats what i do.
(2010.May.21 03:49 PM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]I believe he would make a large dramatic production out of everything.

you think it's bad now, wait til everyone realizes that it actually costs more to heal for the higher levels because of the amount of hp's that need to be replenished.

higher level pros= more energy, more ap, more hp, more xp gained per fight, etc.
higher level cons= more $ to travel

even with this revelation rj had, it looks like things still give the advantage to the leveler.

i just really don't even understand what the gripe is. some things are set up to keep some sort of parity.
(2010.May.21 04:21 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]i just really don't even understand what the gripe is. some things are set up to keep some sort of parity.


I bet he felt better after he got a good cry out in that first post.
I'm not the one griping. I'm nowhere near enough to the edge of the envelope to have gripes.

I'm answering your WWJD question. Rolleyes Based on my reading, I concluded that Jesus had a history of making a large dramatic production out of everything.
(2010.May.21 04:40 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.21 04:21 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]i just really don't even understand what the gripe is. some things are set up to keep some sort of parity.


I bet he felt better after he got a good cry out in that first post.

it was a rant... pu$$y
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