I wasn't even talking to you, Conrad. Dingus is always crying about something, yet he keeps playing. You call me the idiot, but look at him. Idiot didn't realize that the +'s in the new items don't stack. If you've got +6 armor, and a +1-3 in the same stat in a different item, the bigger number's going to be presented.
Anyway, RJ. You're of a higher level than me, higher stats then me in every fashion, and can make probably twice as much money than me every month, and you say people need to donate to get these items within a year? I can get those items within a month, if I broke balls and played half as hard as some of these idiots do. You don't need to donate anything to get anything in this game. Only reason why you would want to donate is because you want to get the best stuff, and be the best, in a hurry.
Play the game to enjoy it, people. Quit analysing everything. If you don't like something, go back to what you know works. If you're wondering why something works the way it does, look it up. If you want to complain, then go do it somewhere else. Your whining ain't going to force much of any change unless it's for the greater good, and everything's working how it's supposed to.
(2010.May.21 11:42 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I wasn't even talking to you, Conrad. Dingus is always crying about something, yet he keeps playing. You call me the idiot, but look at him. Idiot didn't realize that the +'s in the new items don't stack. If you've got +6 armor, and a +1-3 in the same stat in a different item, the bigger number's going to be presented.
Anyway, RJ. You're of a higher level than me, higher stats then me in every fashion, and can make probably twice as much money than me every month, and you say people need to donate to get these items within a year? I can get those items within a month, if I broke balls and played half as hard as some of these idiots do. You don't need to donate anything to get anything in this game. Only reason why you would want to donate is because you want to get the best stuff, and be the best, in a hurry.
Play the game to enjoy it, people. Quit analysing everything. If you don't like something, go back to what you know works. If you're wondering why something works the way it does, look it up. If you want to complain, then go do it somewhere else. Your whining ain't going to force much of any change unless it's for the greater good, and everything's working how it's supposed to.
So you make 1,750,000 in a month if you saved for equipment alone? And basic game costs like donor status? I do not make double the 2.5 mils you claim to make per month...
I make 1 mil a month, buy stims, nimbus, donor status, equipment...
I have no idea how you are making 2.5 mils to back your claims! How do you do it??
I make around 1mil per month
Ignore him RJ. The body of his writings prove he has no clue what he is speaking about
(2010.May.21 11:20 AM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.21 11:16 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]that's your fault for sticking the gun up your arse instead of using it for battle!!
Wonder if my gun would hit harder if I used it as a melee weapon and smacked u in the head with it?
Nope that's how it was coded when it first came out & it didn't work too well
I don't know where you're getting $2,500,000. The best weapons cost $1,670,000, and I've been making $40,000-$50,000 a day the past week or two. That's about $600,000-$700,000 every 2 weeks, if I play 10-12 hours a day, which would be $1,200,000-$1,400,000 a month. Some of you guys play near endlessly. Adding a few more hours a day to my criming would push me near $1,800,000-$2,000,000 a month. I don't buy nimbus, stims, much of anything during the month. $200,000 at the most is spent every month, most donated to the gang.
Again, I don't play hardcore. I don't care, and I'm content with the game. I don't need to run myself ragged to attempt to be the best.
(2010.May.21 11:49 AM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.21 11:33 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]however.....you're just figuring out that travel cost increases as you level, RJ?
if zen was smart...she'd fix the energy refresh thing. more people would spend $ on refreshes if it werent so damn expensive.
yep, I used to drop a $20 on gym day & do some refreshes but no way I'm going to do it for an extra 7 or 8 trains
(2010.May.21 11:57 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know where you're getting $2,500,000. The best weapons cost $1,670,000, and I've been making $40,000-$50,000 a day the past week or two. That's about $600,000-$700,000 every 2 weeks, if I play 10-12 hours a day, which would be $1,200,000-$1,400,000 a month. Some of you guys play near endlessly. Adding a few more hours a day to my criming would push me near $1,800,000-$2,000,000 a month. I don't buy nimbus, stims, much of anything during the month. $200,000 at the most is spent every month, most donated to the gang.
Again, I don't play hardcore. I don't care, and I'm content with the game. I don't need to run myself ragged to attempt to be the best.
Did you miss I make just over 1 mil a month?? Donor status buying credits in game? basic costs of survival running around 400k a month including nimbus, stims, travel, belt charges ETC...
Your point is wrong is all... not to mention if you ever want to have any fun! if your helping people who can't donate a bit as well as helping your gang... Basic costs eat it up for the most part.
He is the lonely fat kid, fun is not an option.
Example: Swims with his shirt on
(2010.May.21 11:57 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know where you're getting $2,500,000. The best weapons cost $1,670,000, and I've been making $40,000-$50,000 a day the past week or two. That's about $600,000-$700,000 every 2 weeks, if I play 10-12 hours a day, which would be $1,200,000-$1,400,000 a month. Some of you guys play near endlessly. Adding a few more hours a day to my criming would push me near $1,800,000-$2,000,000 a month. I don't buy nimbus, stims, much of anything during the month. $200,000 at the most is spent every month, most donated to the gang.
Again, I don't play hardcore. I don't care, and I'm content with the game. I don't need to run myself ragged to attempt to be the best.
No idea where ur magically finding those #'s at your lvl... I make about the same as RJ and I guarantee its nowhere near that.... Then again we participate in wars and such with our gang. I guess if you're just catching a free ride in yours u magically earn more money?