(2010.May.18 07:47 PM)4evrnite Wrote: [ -> ]Sweet I can lose to someone close to my level. Batman you are a 40 so I will not attack you. Can anyone name superheros with no powers?
iron man & war machine both don't have powers.
Ferris Bueller. he's my hero.
(2010.May.18 07:47 PM)4evrnite Wrote: [ -> ]Sweet I can lose to someone close to my level. Batman you are a 40 so I will not attack you becaeus you are the great. Can anyone name superheros with no powers?

....wait,he isn't a superhero
(2010.May.18 11:03 PM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.18 07:47 PM)4evrnite Wrote: [ -> ]Sweet I can lose to someone close to my level. Batman you are a 40 so I will not attack you becaeus you are the great. Can anyone name superheros with no powers?
....wait,he isn't a superhero
Batz where the fuck did you come from? it's daylight in Ro now...

Yup...and now i write a fucking study about Applied ethics....

De Niro is my hero cause he seduces a young julliete lewis in cape fear.
(2010.May.18 08:11 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.18 07:53 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Tom. He only has the power to grow his dong.
yes the power came from a release of testosterone from his body during his adolescence. Its just a real pity that there wasn't very much of that all important hormone.
You are so wrong......kind of.....The pity in it all was it grew the wrong way. Some men you just can't reach...Hence, the person you have here today...... which is what he wants.....so he gets it"
N' I don't like it any more than you men."