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Pages: 1 2 3
(2010.May.18 03:19 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ]Userid: 8502 vs Userid: 34146

Congratz just pwned a n00b....:::::thumbdown::::

Its all you can beat batfag. Leave the guy alone.
He gave the invite, when was the last time you issued a challenge to anyone worth their sand batski.
this thread seems to have gone off track. time to prude, i mean, prune it.


(2010.May.17 06:28 PM)4evrnite Wrote: [ -> ]Any people my level come fight me. Level 21 and unders are too weak and level 22-25 are 50/50.

Can we go by days old instead?
(2010.May.18 07:53 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.17 06:28 PM)4evrnite Wrote: [ -> ]Any people my level come fight me. Level 21 and unders are too weak and level 22-25 are 50/50.

Can we go by days old instead?

NO. Level only.
(2010.May.18 09:30 AM)peteycrack Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.18 07:53 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.17 06:28 PM)4evrnite Wrote: [ -> ]Any people my level come fight me. Level 21 and unders are too weak and level 22-25 are 50/50.

Can we go by days old instead?

NO. Level only.

meh i don't like being level 30... kills some good ol' fun
(2010.May.18 07:26 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]this thread seems to have gone off track. time to prude, i mean, prune it.

you assholes wouldn't know a good joke if someone held a gun to your head. How can this gem have been ignored.

Don't worry bird i lol'd.

You can pay me later Smile
Is that Ric Flair's championship belt?
(2010.May.18 05:01 PM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]Is that Ric Flair's championship belt?

If it reads "Super Yob" it belongs to Dave Hill, the guitarist for Slade!

[Image: slade.jpg]
Sweet I can lose to someone close to my level. Batman you are a 40 so I will not attack you. Can anyone name superheros with no powers?
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