Having been there I thought I was helping........What say you.
Do mods help the game or stifle free speech according to their individual beliefs..........
Where's Ush when you need him?
(2010.May.14 10:22 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Where's Ush when you need him?
If i didn't like you I would..........
1. Hosp you
2. Zerk you
3. Invite you to dinner w/o tableware
4. No sedatives prior to sleeping

mods are a necessary evil, you should know that

If only you could tommi........Paypal would be rich......
Mod alert.......Be objective please.......
There are kids who play as well. I didn't say that they frequent the forum.
Ah Hell, kids are awful anyway.
....make sure you NEVER comment about jola....or add fag_ to the end of her name.....or make a thread about her.....or anything else she or zen dont like....she whines to zen like no tomorrow.....

The iniquity of equality........lol
(2010.May.14 10:32 PM)Jolabent Wrote: [ -> ]Need I direct you to them.....just in case you don't know them
Jesus christ, you must be one of the most condescending people in the game.

I agree we need mods, but do we need mods to treat us like we're in kindergarten?