(2010.May.15 05:34 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]....make sure you NEVER comment about jola....or add fag_ to the end of her name.....or make a thread about her.....or anything else she or zen dont like....she whines to zen like no tomorrow.....
I say nothing to Zen....Zen can see the posts when they are moved. Even if we choose delete they only move to the mod zone. She keeps up to date just like we do. Although if I give someone a larger warning, I do report it our forum section to all the mods so they know why........
(2010.May.15 08:44 AM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus christ, you must be one of the most condescending people in the game.
I agree we need mods, but do we need mods to treat us like we're in kindergarten?
I mod what is necessary by the rules, what is not PG13 content and when threads are going off track. I do mod according to the rules, maybe you might want to check who removed threads. I am not the only mod for this forum.
reread my post.
it's not your modding I have a problem with, it's the condescending way you talk to us on the forum. I don't dislike you for doing your job, I dislike you for your attitude.
You're going to have a whole lot of that when I become mod.
'This way, peasant, to the rules. Follow them. Live by them. Or get the F off of my forums.'
ZEN, 250 credits a week and I will mod for you girl.
(2010.May.15 10:06 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]ZEN, 250 credits a week and I will mod for you girl.
You're an idiot, nobody wants you to mod.
I may be an idiot that nobody wants to mod, but it seems to me like nobody wants anybody to mod anyway so why do you care CF.
If they want no one to mod...You modding...
2 + 2 = ?
Their are 9 votes for needing mods and 2 for not needing them, with everything else being a throw away. Not sure what poll your reading...
No, they are devisive... 2 6.90%
Yes, they are objective...* 9 31.03%
I don't mind things getting modded, I just get tired of people quoting and posting links to the rules.
Those numbers do not represent the number of posts with ppl bytching about mods moderating posts. We need mods only until they mod something somebody doesn't want moddlerated right.
Weren't you a moderator Foley?