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(2010.May.06 07:51 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]so who won..

i did
seriously, its been like 2 days -.-
anxious myself. hoping i get something to make this 5th place tag i have look better.
(2010.May.07 12:32 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]seriously, its been like 2 days -.-

Zen work ethic is the worst ever!
(2010.May.07 12:49 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.07 12:32 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]seriously, its been like 2 days -.-

Zen work ethic is the worst ever!

In Zen's defense, she fixed my bunk candy cane yesterday with a pretty quick turnaround. Thanks Zen!
i think she's playing with the code again for shotty.
(2010.May.06 07:33 AM)2asandab Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.06 05:52 AM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ]But at the same time I'm on the fence with the drinking thing. Alcohol is more of a gateway drug than like pot is when it comes to kids, at least it was when I was growing up and the friends that I ran with. I also dont see it as being a bad thing if the drinking is in moderate amounts under direct parental supervision.

I don't see a problem w/ drinking, smoking, or anything else that one chose's in heavy quantity @ any age, there use to be this thing people would talk about called freedom, it was a novel idea but then the weak overran it with concerns for others health and safety instead of minding their own business.

@ any age....not
i would REALLY love to see if i placed or not..
(2010.May.08 11:08 AM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]Sad
i would REALLY love to see if i placed or not..

Say your score, we'll see.

I score 0.597.

If they are honest, Thor and Tommie scored higher.
anyone have a streak longer than 22?
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