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Full Version: another beerathon...
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happy cinco de mayo, no drinking for me today though, online or IRL.
Yeah. Happy Cinco de Mayo to y'all.

Time for you guys to drink hella Haterade, though.

Your best Blood Alcohol Level was 0.655.

You're in the hospital for 110 minute(s), how are you going to do that?

15 beer streak, I believe.
tommi should not be allowed to enter drinking contests anymore.
I gave the mexicans the day off from mowing.. They are spreading mulch today!
(2010.May.05 05:59 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I gave the mexicans the day off from mowing.. They are spreading mulch today!

you're a prick. at least give them an inside washing the windows or something.
I am up to .403
(2010.May.05 05:59 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I gave the mexicans the day off from mowing.. They are spreading mulch today! just waiting for my strawberries....why is it mexicans are the only ones that pick those things...still havent figured that one out

mmm strawberries
(2010.May.05 07:24 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.05 05:59 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]I gave the mexicans the day off from mowing.. They are spreading mulch today! just waiting for my strawberries....why is it mexicans are the only ones that pick those things...still havent figured that one out

mmm strawberries

they can man a mean weed-wacker too.

mmmmm, weed
I am a walking distillery right now....

Your best Blood Alcohol Level was 0.446.
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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