(2010.May.05 10:24 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.05 10:13 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.May.05 10:10 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]that doesnt mean you paid income taxes.....what exemption status are you?
not gonna lie idk what that is. but at 14 i paid about $300 in income taxes. this year i paid about $700. doesn't sound like much to a dentist, but to a highschool student $700 is a lot of money
man you got screwed or you have a terrible accountant...did your parents claim you? i worked all through school and have been for 20 years....im no slouch...i believe in hard work and then play more so.....good for you if you have.....thats awesome..i know people that make 20k a year and get 3k back for having some kids and they call it credits....so who is getting screwed here....i pay 30% plus some...not happy with that and im sure no one here is unless they dont work at all
Single white male business owner here, I get fucked, proper fucked by the tax man!
lol quag, i wonder if some of the weird fights ive had lately had anything to do with the bugs she fixed...dunno?
willy and bc getting stronger has given me and cheetah and all svs for that fact someone to compete against
(2010.May.06 06:16 AM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]lol quag, i wonder if some of the weird fights ive had lately had anything to do with the bugs she fixed...dunno?
willy and bc getting stronger has given me and cheetah and all svs for that fact someone to compete against
that can only be a good thing. honestly it must be good to have ppl attacking you for a change.
this is for all al to see, we deliver have no connection to h4h. in fact we have had to pay to use their hideout for gang pts. we have also been hit from them from payed contracts. everyone in this gang was booted with out notice.
we will continue to take the hosps you guys and dm are giving us. just know this, h4h couldn't care whether you hit us or not. if they actually cared about us they would never have booted us. i am offline soon. so don't waste the energy attacking me for about 8hrs.