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The forum is pretty quiet now and day.

My take on Inpace's question. Housing is better than Endurance. My rule of thumb, get that 20 mil home. Then, focus on endurance. Base on my calculation, 20 million in endurance is much better than 250 happiness increase in gym train.
I somewhat agree with Zeon, if you have the $15mil house and you have the $5mil to upgrade your housing, you would get just about the same gain in trains if you put that money into End. So if you have anything less than the Beachhouse, upgrade your housing first.

Another way to think of it is the gain you get from 100 points in happiness is equivalent to about 3700 creds worth of endurance, which is about $4mil depending on market prices.


(2010.May.03 10:45 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]The forum is pretty quiet now and day.

My take on Inpace's question. Housing is better than Endurance. My rule of thumb, get that 20 mil home. Then, focus on endurance. Base on my calculation, 20 million in endurance is much better than 250 happiness increase in gym train.

Thanks! Answered what I wanted to know lol
(2010.May.03 11:01 AM)fngMalvos Wrote: [ -> ]I somewhat agree with Zeon, if you have the $15mil house and you have the $5mil to upgrade your housing, you would get just about the same gain in trains if you put that money into End. So if you have anything less than the Beachhouse, upgrade your housing first.

Another way to think of it is the gain you get from 100 points in happiness is equivalent to about 3700 creds worth of endurance, which is about $4mil depending on market prices.

this is what I have been looking for. amen. thank you.

Zeon - it was just to show that if Endurance modifers multiply with happiness modifiers for gym trains, that there will be a point where 5 mil in endurance will not net the same gains as buying the next house, even if it seems otherwise on face numerical value (100 happiness).... The numbers provided are just there to illustrate a point.
(2010.May.03 11:17 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.03 10:45 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]The forum is pretty quiet now and day.

My take on Inpace's question. Housing is better than Endurance. My rule of thumb, get that 20 mil home. Then, focus on endurance. Base on my calculation, 20 million in endurance is much better than 250 happiness increase in gym train.

Thanks! Answered what I wanted to know lol

No problem.

Also, 100 points increase in happiness is not equivalent to about 3700 dev point in endurance.

The increase in bonus for happiness and the increase in bonus for Endurance are calculated differently. Therefore, different level with different energy will net you a different result.
(2010.May.03 03:07 PM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.03 11:17 AM)OnwardTowardTheGlory Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.May.03 10:45 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]The forum is pretty quiet now and day.

My take on Inpace's question. Housing is better than Endurance. My rule of thumb, get that 20 mil home. Then, focus on endurance. Base on my calculation, 20 million in endurance is much better than 250 happiness increase in gym train.

Thanks! Answered what I wanted to know lol

No problem.

Also, 100 points increase in happiness is not equivalent to about 3700 dev point in endurance.

The increase in bonus for happiness and the increase in bonus for Endurance are calculated differently. Therefore, different level with different energy will net you a different result.

Zeon, please stop feeding the animal
how close to ppls trains does this formula get:

((Happy/100)*energy)+(End/2) then +/- a half point each way (Randomly Generated).

Does that work for anyone else, cuz if I switch my house it holds, but maybe its just a coincidence w/ my end and energy lvls.

Anyone else got any formulas for trains?
(2010.May.03 04:41 PM)2asandab Wrote: [ -> ]how close to ppls trains does this formula get:

((Happy/100)*energy)+(End/2) then +/- a half point each way (Randomly Generated).

Does that work for anyone else, cuz if I switch my house it holds, but maybe its just a coincidence w/ my end and energy lvls.

Anyone else got any formulas for trains?

i figured it with zeon's formula before, but it has more variability than the formula allows
Monks formula= more endurance + better housing + higher level = bigger trains.

Your welcome AL.
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