I am just curious from the big debate in the other thread, what most people would like the future in the game to turn out like. Would people like levels to have power again or just keep the new system where stats hold all the combat power?
This isnt a place to discuss donators, and things touching that subject will be edited out, unless it justifies a solid point in your post.
i think levels should have a small modifier, because levels arent everything in this game (in most games levels are everything, but they dont have gym training like this game), yet at the same time, right now levels are merely +50 hp and +2en +2ap (with higher cost to fights and jailbreaks), so i think that if levels had at least somewhat of a modifier, the game would be a ton more balanced
well, I've said the old modifiers, but that's not REALLY what I think- I think there should be a new system, but not a small modifier, I think levels should have a large modifier, on par with stats. The old system was too unbalanced, with way too much emphasis on levels- I understand why it was changed. But now it's gone in the other direction, with not enough emphasis on levels.There's a medium ground to be found where power training levels or stats are roughly equal.
The current system does not go with stats only and ignore levels, unlike what the third poll option states.

oki Zenith you can edit the third option to be correct hehe
i edited myself to try and be more fair to the current system

not sure what the old system was but i like a stat driven combat system that would have some modifiers for level.
for example:
level 10 Random Vet attacks Level 11 Random Noob.
Random Vet would have at 2 point modifier to his stats (based on a .2 bonus per lever)
Random Vet would have a 2.2 bonus (based on the same bonus)
Thus Random Vet would need substantially better stats to overcome the level difference.
Furthermore i would see this bonus capped off at some point as at some point the value of experiance wont help you over someone that is almost as experienced.
Just my .02!!
i am abstaining from the vote as i do not believe in games making backward progression, however i do agree that the current system is also a bit offbalance. How about option 4. Wait and see what the next change brings us.
zenith Wrote:The current system does not go with stats only and ignore levels, unlike what the third poll option states.
So basically a vote for "small modifiers" or "current system" is a yes to status quo.
Breaking one option into 2 on a poll seems very "Fox News"

mtngti Wrote:zenith Wrote:The current system does not go with stats only and ignore levels, unlike what the third poll option states.
So basically a vote for "small modifiers" or "current system" is a yes to status quo.
Breaking one option into 2 on a poll seems very "Fox News" 
I would assume that "small modifiers" means somewhere in between what we have now and what we had before.
I really see no reason why combat needs to change. First, it isn't purely stat based. Titus is #5 (I think) in battle stats, yet he is 10 levels below me so I beat him fairly easily. If it was just stats he would be tough to beat.
Second, the new combat is nothing like any of the previous versions. It used to be better stats, you win. Then it became better level, you win. Now it seems to be more random. I like the fact that I don't always know if I am going to win, it adds an element of excitement to the game. Sometimes I beat a guy 3 times in a row, then I lose to them. What fun is it if you always know you can beat someone and just attack them like a mindless zombie?