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Full Version: Dang!! New Weapons
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(2010.Apr.20 10:42 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]cowplop! Go to buy one and they are gone! WTF

keep checking
Zen fall asleep? ive been refreshing every 3 seconds for 8 hours and no sign of a restock of the shotguns.
I am really surprised that People are buying the longblade when they can't use them.
(2010.Apr.21 12:02 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]I am really surprised that People are buying the longblade when they can't use them.

They want to pick them up while they're still in stock. The message was ambiguous as to whether there would be a total cap on the amount of weapons or whether it would slowly, but continuously, restock. They plan on getting it eventually, so don't want to run the risk of not being able to get it when they do need it.


New pistol looks like a sham so far. The additional damage done over the old pistol is pretty much sucked up in damage resistance vs any opponent worth their salt.

Only plus is the increased damage against hideouts.
(2010.Apr.21 07:22 PM)Fallout Wrote: [ -> ]New pistol looks like a sham so far. The additional damage done over the old pistol is pretty much sucked up in damage resistance vs any opponent worth their salt.

Only plus is the increased damage against hideouts.

If you're referring to NPCs, they finally passed their defensive skills tests.
(2010.Apr.21 11:06 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.21 07:22 PM)Fallout Wrote: [ -> ]New pistol looks like a sham so far. The additional damage done over the old pistol is pretty much sucked up in damage resistance vs any opponent worth their salt.

Only plus is the increased damage against hideouts.

If you're referring to NPCs, they finally passed their defensive skills tests.

Zen, is there a defined amount of these weapons total, or will they perpetually continually restock?
(2010.Apr.21 11:06 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.21 07:22 PM)Fallout Wrote: [ -> ]New pistol looks like a sham so far. The additional damage done over the old pistol is pretty much sucked up in damage resistance vs any opponent worth their salt.

Only plus is the increased damage against hideouts.

If you're referring to NPCs, they finally passed their defensive skills tests.

do say? these bastards got quite ugly, quick.
im guessing she meant all skills not just defensive since their max hits went up too...and from the looks of things those weak ass npcs all have 10 at least of each skill
(2010.Apr.27 08:04 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]im guessing she meant all skills not just defensive since their max hits went up too...and from the looks of things those weak arse npcs all have 10 at least of each skill

ok...that would make more sense. there is no way this f uck horvath blew past me the way he did with just one defensive skill gain.
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