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Full Version: Dang!! New Weapons
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(2010.Apr.19 09:01 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.19 08:46 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.19 08:07 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.19 07:35 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.19 07:27 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.19 07:20 PM)Accipender Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.19 07:10 PM)Canosoup Wrote: [ -> ]The new axes look down right mean! Biggrin

Broyles Inc. CID Pole-Axe
Take all the best qualities of every Broyles Inc. axe and combine them. Then improve on each aspect. Add in a scientifically-engineered crystalline-hybrid edge. That is where Broyles Inc is headed with the new CID Pole-Axe. Capable of extreme cutting damage, this weapon has the capacity of taking down opponents in one or two swings.
Item Requirements
Strength 75
Dexterity 55
Endurance 27

Broyles Inc. CID Axe
Take all the best qualities of every Broyles Inc. axe and combine them. Then improve on each aspect. Add in a scientifically-engineered crystalline-hybrid edge. That is where Broyles Inc is headed with the new CID Axe. Capable of extreme cutting damage, this weapon has the capacity of taking down opponents in one or two swings. This standard model is excellent for those who cannot manage expertise with axes required by its big brother, nor the stamina it takes to use.
Item Requirements
Strength 73
Dexterity 52
Endurance 23

If I recall, the Bardiche was a pole axe. Does this mean that these will follow the pattern of the bardiche, being good at PvP and inferior at HO hits?

you said pole

I bet you want to get your hands on that huge pole Winky

i know i do.

seriously, zen. wtf?

i think its a perfect name for axe users

are you going for the polack or polesmoker dig? either way, means nothing coming from a run of the mill shotgun user.

i was trying to work in polesmoker or something about swinging poles but was abrubtly interrupted and had to hurry and settle on the obvious (no homo all that).
did Gay Haunt gave the names for the new items?
(2010.Apr.19 03:20 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]no, let me clarify.

below are the requiremebts for the two new shotguns.

Accuracy 75
Strength 55
Endurance 27

Skill Requirements
Shotgun 7
Accuracy 70
Strength 55
Endurance 23


i think the requirements for the higher level one should be something like this;

Accuracy 85-90
Strength 60-65
Endurance 27 is fine.

Skill - 9

Maybe she can put that higher lvl shotty (the one for which YOU think the req.'s should be) that only 3 ppl could use up in the lvl 60 district so that those of us who can get there could vastly overcharge ppl like u who arent the right lvl yet... SmirkRolleyes
(2010.Apr.20 04:04 AM)Howlsong Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.19 03:20 PM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]no, let me clarify.

below are the requiremebts for the two new shotguns.

Accuracy 75
Strength 55
Endurance 27

Skill Requirements
Shotgun 7
Accuracy 70
Strength 55
Endurance 23


i think the requirements for the higher level one should be something like this;

Accuracy 85-90
Strength 60-65
Endurance 27 is fine.

Skill - 9

Maybe she can put that higher lvl shotty (the one for which YOU think the req.'s should be) that only 3 ppl could use up in the lvl 60 district so that those of us who can get there could vastly overcharge ppl like u who arent the right lvl yet... SmirkRolleyes

or even beter put them in 70 level district
(2010.Apr.20 04:47 AM)Rafallol Wrote: [ -> ]or even beter put them in 70 level district

Probably where their going to go.


(2010.Apr.20 05:11 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.20 04:47 AM)Rafallol Wrote: [ -> ]or even beter put them in 70 level district

Probably where their going to go.

They are in military surplus, so accessible to most players.
Yup, looks like they are out now.

have anyone tried out the new weapon yet?
most of the ranged are already sold out
who's the asshole that bought the last axe?
Bullshit! Go to buy one and they are gone! WTF
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