So what EXACTLY do the attributes determine?
Dexterity is an easy helps to deliver hits and avoid hits.
Resistance...reduces damage taken in battle by a percentage.
Accuracy...better hits more often (?)
and then there is Strength...
Character Information states that "Melee weapons utilize strength heavily". Does this mean ranged weapons should avoid training strength as much? What if it is a requirement for my gun, does it then become more useful? and what is the difference between an encumbrance rate of 0.7 and 0.2? IS THERE A DIFFERENCE?!...also the wiki states that "The higher a players strength the higher their damage base becomes.". What is a players damage base? Is the wiki even reliable
Anyways sorry for the flurry of questions, but I am trying to determine the best path for my player. I use a shotgun btw, so if anyone has a suggestion that would be great.
(2010.Apr.14 05:58 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]So what EXACTLY do the attributes determine?
Dexterity is an easy helps to deliver hits and avoid hits.
Resistance...reduces damage taken in battle by a percentage.
Accuracy...better hits more often (?)
and then there is Strength...
Character Information states that "Melee weapons utilize strength heavily". Does this mean ranged weapons should avoid training strength as much? What if it is a requirement for my gun, does it then become more useful? and what is the difference between an encumbrance rate of 0.7 and 0.2? IS THERE A DIFFERENCE?!...also the wiki states that "The higher a players strength the higher their damage base becomes.". What is a players damage base? Is the wiki even reliable 
Anyways sorry for the flurry of questions, but I am trying to determine the best path for my player. I use a shotgun btw, so if anyone has a suggestion that would be great.
Accuracy determines hit damage and chance to hit with ranged weapons.
Dexterity determines hit % for your melee weapons, and as you said, ability to dodge incoming attacks.
Strength determines your damage with a melee weapon. It should be noted, there is no damage cap on a melee weapon, while there is one on a ranged weapon.
For a shotgun user, training accuracy and dexterity is key. Keep your strength up enough so that it is 2 levels above the min requirements of your current shotgun weapon.
A little extra strength never hurts as far as ranged users go, that way you have the extra weight carrying ability to equip a belt if needed.
Zen says encumbrance rates do not matter so long as they are under 1.00, but players swear there is a difference.
(2010.Apr.14 07:06 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]For a shotgun user, training accuracy and dexterity is key. Keep your strength up enough so that it is 2 levels above the min requirements of your current shotgun weapon.
wrong. to the best of my knowledge strength improves your crits with the shotgun
(2010.Apr.14 07:06 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Zen says encumbrance rates do not matter so long as they are under 1.00, but players swear there is a difference.
there is a difference as long as you are using the combat evasion skills.
(2010.Apr.14 07:06 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]It should be noted, there is no damage cap on a melee weapon, while there is one on a ranged weapon.
not so sure about this, but i'm pretty sure all weapons are the same just need the right stat setup for them
(2010.Apr.14 09:28 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.14 07:06 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]For a shotgun user, training accuracy and dexterity is key. Keep your strength up enough so that it is 2 levels above the min requirements of your current shotgun weapon.
wrong. to the best of my knowledge strength improves your crits with the shotgun
This is why I am asking. If it
does improve my criticals, then I'll go strength. If is
Doesn't then I'll go dex. Can anyone confirm this?
It's possible. I'm a shotty user, but I've been training strength lately to lower my encumbrance rate
I hav noticed some improvement in my crits...wouldn't swear by it tho
Strength does not increase critical in shotgun. Here is a quote from Zenith.
Zenith Wrote:Each weapon has it's own critical hit chance and critical hit damage range. The best way to land more crits is to pick a weapon that has a high chance of a crit (like the razorwhip), improve your weapon skills, or be lucky.
If you are lucky you don't need the other two.
As far as weapon cap limit, there was one a long time ago. It was true that the melee weapon does not have a cap limit while the range weapon does. However, with the introduction of Skill, everything was changed.
Yes it does. Strength will increase hit damage and crits.
i mailed zen about the weapon caps. every weapon has a limit even with skills. i'll post up the mail when i'm home
im a shotty user and idk if id say it increase crit chances but i would say without a doubt in my mind it brings up the avg of my overall hits.
edit: it= strength
See I'm surprised there is such confusion over this since the basis of an RPG is attributes (character build), lol. The first thing I'd want to know when entering an RPG is the benefits of the attributes. Without knowledge of the attributes people will create an inferior character and regret it. This also leads to the discussion of player "rebirth". If all attributes are known with clarity from the beginning, players won't need to rebirth because their time and effort would have already went into building a character that they are satisfied with. I am pleased with all your responses and suggestions, but they are just that. I'd like some definite answers!