lol, great job h4h, finnaly pun has gone after former members of xpats that where kicked out of their gang and have nothing to do with this stuff. huzzah!!!
just playing the same game...boooyah
(2010.Apr.12 10:46 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]just playing the same game...boooyah
lmao. we are experienced at this game. and don't have a gang to quit. how many members you lost now?

hard to lose members in are a vet?
(2010.Apr.12 10:56 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]hard to lose members in are a vet?
nope, and i wont be providing any animal photos for you either....... lol
(2010.Apr.12 11:09 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.12 10:56 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]hard to lose members in are a vet?
nope, and i wont be providing any animal photos for you either....... lol
When did Phishiva and G2O get back in the x pats?
Man this shit confused the hell out of me at first. I was online when this first started and I thought it was just SV attacking like always so I didn't pay no mind and went offline till about 30 minutes ago. Then I realized this war was still going. I looked on the gang war page and about shit my pants. I thought you bastards started one of those hideout attack contest again just this time it was manditory to participate and there was no warning. Next time give a redneck a heads up that it's gonna be this big and I would of stayed online to fight.
So at the time I posted it was 42 that SV started with. They are still up to 27 in battle, of which 1 was declared after my post.
Got a little happy there Pun or needed a new title to add to your list?

(2010.Apr.13 06:30 AM)DejaVu Wrote: [ -> ]So at the time I posted it was 42 that SV started with. They are still up to 27 in battle, of which 1 was declared after my post.
Got a little happy there Pun or needed a new title to add to your list?

he needed to detract attention from his gang getting trashed.
(2010.Apr.13 06:33 AM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Apr.13 06:30 AM)DejaVu Wrote: [ -> ]So at the time I posted it was 42 that SV started with. They are still up to 27 in battle, of which 1 was declared after my post.
Got a little happy there Pun or needed a new title to add to your list?

he needed to detract attention from his gang getting trashed.