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(2010.Apr.02 09:05 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]one weapon....keep that weak arse melee equipped during wars and watch us pt the sh i t out of you...if your stats and weapons and skills are equal then go for it .....if not you are a bloomin onion idiot

Makers marked'd
jd d and certified stolid yes!!
(2010.Apr.02 09:12 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]jd d and certified stolid yes!!
Mixology cliff notes?
(2010.Apr.02 09:15 PM)chance Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Apr.02 09:12 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]jd d and certified stolid yes!!
Mixology cliff notes?



Just carry the one weapon, I find my axe is doing ok for both wars and pvp.

I trim everything else down to the minimum essentials though, so that my encumbrance is usually around .29.
lol i'm glad i had scotty around to translate for me...thanks wingman Smile
(2010.Apr.03 02:02 AM)Jocasta Wrote: [ -> ]Just carry the one weapon, I find my axe is doing ok for both wars and pvp.

I trim everything else down to the minimum essentials though, so that my encumbrance is usually around .29.

Yeah, axe users get the best of both worlds in the melee world! Great hideout damage, and excellent pvp damage with the higher weapons. I'm sure the lower axes aren't all that great for pvp, since Zen created the "pvp" axe a while ago.
^^ Exactly. I <3 my Bardiche.
(2010.Apr.03 09:34 AM)Canosoup Wrote: [ -> ]^^ Exactly. I <3 my Bardiche.

Ah.. I have a Bardiche for sales. Wink

Anyway, I am trying to get my stats to use both weapon. sb-1 for war and longblade for pvp.

See how that goes.
(2010.Apr.03 07:17 AM)snorkelbill Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure the lower axes aren't all that great for pvp, since Zen created the "pvp" axe a while ago.

You are wrong.

The lower axes are decent pvp wise, just like every axe. You just got to know when to upgrade weapon while your stats and power lvl evolve.

Axe users used to wait too long, since there were no upgrades after the Ionized for a long time (back just a few years ago)

The ''pvp'' axe was different. The bardiche.

Back in the days, Zen had issued that new announcement that like tons of new weapons were coming out, as ''middle ground" between the low end req old weapons, and the new high req ones. (ex: Ionized VS Ono)

However, no axe were in the lot.

So, me (yes I did) and a few others cried in the forums for a week or so, and then the Bardiche was created, after Behemot (If I'm not mistaken) had suggested that kind of weapon in a thread somewhere.

I always suspected that the Bardiche was made good for PVP while disgustingly bad for hideout hits because one of the followings:

a) to punish our whining
b) cause she wanted to make sure a bunch of axe users would donate to get the Ono
c) cause she tought the axes were well balanced enough and that new thing was never meant to be, therefor made sucky

*the aboves are just theorys*

It is not that good in pvp. Better than the ionized, worst than the Ono. But since pvp is all it does, well that's his nickname.
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