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(2010.Mar.26 09:22 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Hey cheetah, wasn't it like 2 weeks ago Dusti spent a few days in the hosp from you? Please enlighten us with how that was "looking out for her"?

Having a common enemy can make 2 people closer friends, than they were hardened enemies.
(2010.Mar.26 11:33 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.26 09:22 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]Hey cheetah, wasn't it like 2 weeks ago Dusti spent a few days in the hosp from you? Please enlighten us with how that was "looking out for her"?

Having a common enemy can make 2 people closer friends, than they were hardened enemies.

what kind of catalyst would be requied to make us friends cheats?
you could always go get a sex change? i mean you already came out of the closet didn't you?
no ones asking you buddy.
public forum dunce
just google that? i know what a catalyst is, but in an online game how does one go about performing a chemical reaction with another person? or even having a chemical reaction with another person face to face?
OK, which one of you lovely ladies is this?
not meant to be taken literally my friend, you have to read between the lines a little.
(2010.Mar.26 11:52 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]OK, which one of you lovely ladies is this?


and @ brocks i did, hence my reply. but you pulled the definition on me
(2010.Mar.26 11:06 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]snow could you just post two response from now on? one in male and one normal?

If I did that, you boys would be too informed on my irritations. However, offering fair trades...
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