damn women try and stick together. us men have no shot. damn biatches.
(2010.Mar.22 09:05 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]damn women try and stick together. us men have no shot. damn biatches.
Do you know how many times Sister and Breeze hosp'd 8star? Didn't you read what Dusti, Howl, SxKitten and I have said about this?
Dude it's not about the uterus here, it's about the poon.
(2010.Mar.22 02:56 PM)SisterLynx Wrote: [ -> ]Really did I? bawhahahaha
well, there was an 8 minute stretch where you were hosp'd 7 times. most over 200min.
(2010.Mar.22 04:32 PM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]The moral of the story.
If u play with dingus, things will get ugly. Be afraid.... very afraid..
Zeon...you are a great man!
(2010.Mar.23 05:41 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.22 04:32 PM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]The moral of the story.
If u play with dingus, things will get ugly. Be afraid.... very afraid..
Zeon...you are a great man!
what if things were ugly before you played with dingo?
Why don't you all clam down. Last time I checked Zenith is a human like you and me. If you giving her crap for messing up once while she is trying to finish this code. Fix errors on the site. Resolve in game issues. Make new weapons. The law suit. and what ever else she has going on in her life then you peolpe need to take a serious chill pill.
I'm sure we've all done something then a few days later realized how big of a mistake it was.
Just let the situation resolve itself. Then if it doesn't then you can start the protests.