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(2010.Mar.11 03:21 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]please?

ask again after you donate some money..
i donated 3 years ago, that counts, thanks
(2010.Mar.11 04:15 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]i donated 3 years ago, that counts, thanks

nope, need another donation before she answers....
(2010.Mar.11 05:35 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.11 04:15 PM)abysmalpoptart Wrote: [ -> ]i donated 3 years ago, that counts, thanks

nope, need another donation before she answers....

He needs to donate so she will think of some lame excuse that she will never follow through on.
i donated yesterday or the day before and im still getting this:


Your name change privilege has been suspended.


zens all pissed_ off because of the battleground fiasco. donating isnt gonna help shit_
Sad that she plays favorites.. Apply to SV or vs or inpaces pathetic wanna be gang and you might get somewhere.
Or just be nice and not a cawk sucker. That might help you. A little bit of humility and sincerity goes a good way.
im not trying to be rude, just sucks :/ she said that the new classes are there, just deactivated. why not just active them?? when people played super risky and got skills early early, they got rewarded with being able to train the higher level skills FASTER. what about me w/ classes?? i'd like to continue on w/ the political science route, idont want to sit and train ANOTHER class, i'm already ahead of others, let me STAY ahead... thats the point... im already SO BEHIND ON SKILLS like 2-3 levels behind now... gimme a break..
F that poptart! Its her job to have that part of the game done! If my work was as half assed and shabby I'd be gone!
well thats the thing, from the way she stated it, the work IS done, she just has not released it yet. if it physically isnt complete yet, i'd understand that more. why hold it back when i'm THERE?? people who rushed skills got better and better. irushed into the classes and ... too bad, i'm stuck and i have to wait for everyone else to catch up. thats not fair!!!
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