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i like belts. they help for the hard fights. i've never noticed a difference from having it off and on me vs. in storage though
(2010.Feb.22 10:34 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]i like belts. they help for the hard fights. i've never noticed a difference from having it off and on me vs. in storage though

IMO, exactly. Take off ur belt, helmet and armor and its a way different fight. And I bet you may still win against a good matched opponent. You may even do better with ONLY a belt.........lower enc.
huh. i'll give it a shot next time i decide to charge my belt.
If you arent charging your belt once a day you arent trying.
nope. gym time is saving time
(2010.Feb.22 11:00 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ]huh. i'll give it a shot next time i decide to charge my belt.

Come fight me. I'm happy to be your test target Smile
(2010.Feb.22 11:37 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]If you arent charging your belt once a day you arent trying.

With my new belt, I don't have to charge that thing for 3 or 4 days, depending on how many fights go on. That thing's amazing. Lots of 1,000's resisted, too.

February 21, 2010, 1:08:46 pm Behemoth [8431] FirstBlood [9659] $3,000

^^^^ Payment to Rambo for a belt charge. Thing's only dropped from 203% to 102%. Thing makes me laugh, how much it holds its charge.
Which one are you using Tommi?
That Tailgater belt I won from the contest. I've counted around 16,000-17,000 points resisted so far in the past 2 days, and it's just went down 100%.
That's pretty fckin awesome. We need more belts at that level.
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