(2010.Feb.14 09:58 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]Can you feel the contempt......?
Keeping the tab open and hitting it makes me laugh everytime..........
Honestly; How's the chode of the whole community taste?
Divide and conquer............
It is obvious that those who join SV/VS are immune from abuse.....Who wants to play a game like that? Parity anyone?
Lets just all join SV and have a big circle jerk..........Lets say it........No one can beat them. So why play?
I say that all you pussies in SV are either too stupid or too weak to manage your own gang.
Frag you.......Work for a gang, be a real manager. I did..............
(2010.Feb.14 10:15 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Feb.14 09:58 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]Can you feel the contempt......?
Keeping the tab open and hitting it makes me laugh everytime..........
Honestly; How's the chode of the whole community taste?
Ask your mother-in-law..........doh
Your not married.........
(2010.Feb.14 10:26 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]Lets just all join SV and have a big circle jerk..........
Are you gonna eat the cookie afterward?
ok now im lost...youre insulting everyone in a gang to be in their own and tommi....everyone insults tommi....but now ...jeezus glad im tired and ready for bed or this might make no sense at all
woot i have beer left....brb
(2010.Feb.14 10:26 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]Divide and conquer............
It is obvious that those who join SV/VS are immune from abuse.....Who wants to play a game like that? Parity anyone?
Lets just all join SV and have a big circle jerk..........Lets say it........No one can beat them. So why play?
I say that all you wimps in SV are either too stupid or too weak to manage your own gang.
Frag you.......Work for a gang, be a real manager. I did..............
Actually I have run several gangs before. The management at VS is much better then anywhere else I've been, plus my friends are here. So why should I leave?
vs has the best management in the game imo
Wait! Does this have to be personal? I have a few friends amongst the Villains and this little party for what is being offered isn't really worth the stims after being fisted by SV/VSl
can we close this...?
or do i have to offer a counter?
(2010.Feb.14 10:13 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not on your hit list...
Wraith your pathetic, you can't beat the villains, and now your asking the community to try and help you.
He must have edited you in. Now, you're special like the rest of his "hit list"