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Full Version: Beerathon - Best BAC
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(2010.Feb.11 07:04 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]

Gotta build up 2 more points of resistance.

Congrats! That looks awesome! Sweet prize!
Conrad says it's pretty good.
whys the res gotta be so high... i wanted to test it out
Bump for equipment requirement change.

Userid: 8431
Level: 41
Villains Syndicate

Bump for equipment requirement change.

The police are here? Sucks to be them.

Wuss Column

My parents for NOT being pro-choice
The doctor for not pushing for the "other" option to mom
Dad (whoever he is) for drinking so much that day
All of SV & VS

Ouch @ Fail
(2010.Feb.12 09:46 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Ouch, not so fast Coldqueer... @ Fail

What you were actually thinking...
I don't have a fetish for ColdBeerHere's shaved undertones, UncleDavetard.

By the way, I updated my signature just for you. I find it fitting.
LOL failboat.
What a Douche.
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