(2010.Feb.07 09:56 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Your best Blood Alcohol Level was 0.264. Thats my best. Gonna give up now, fatty normally wins these, god knows how he does it 
hehe lol

Thanks, Rambo. I'll dedicate the win to you, if I win. 'Pansy Ass Inspiration.'
Your best Blood Alcohol Level was 0.458.
(2010.Feb.07 09:56 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Gonna give up now, fatty normally wins these, god knows how he does it 
Too many tacos. He needs more salads (non-taco variety).
(2010.Feb.07 09:56 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Your best Blood Alcohol Level was 0.264. Thats my best. Gonna give up now, fatty normally wins these, god knows how he does it 
fat guys can drink a lot of beer
Fat nukkas r like 90% water,,,so by the time the alc hits their blood stream it is watered down,,,any hay,,,eat more drink mo
well i hit this this morning and haven't been able to come close since then...Your best Blood Alcohol Level was 0.600.
Hmm. Who do you think has the most hospital minutes collectively?
You're in the hospital for 93 minute(s), how are you going to do that?
wow im out
lol, nice. Must have been a good bender to land you in there for that long. My longest hospital stay was 70 mins.
I'm going to sleep the rest of this off in this nice warm cell.