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(2010.Jan.24 11:47 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Bud no worries.
Feel free to continue the assault and prove your point to us. I'm out of this now. Someone else can take up the slack. Tell your guys too that i'll not be after them.
Did you have to sell your house and gear again to fund this hosp war?
Not this time, shyed short of that but still spent a fortune. Ever get the feeling your best intensions and sacrifices get lost on other people? Diss has lost its bite.
(2010.Jan.24 12:39 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]Diss has lost its bite.
big words...
How long has this war been going on?
Not long enough to get it done, but short enough for the whining to start.
(2010.Jan.24 12:58 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]So Diss lost huh?
Lost what?
Lost heart? Yes
Lost the will? Yes
Lost the war? Yes
Lost their respect? Yes
Lost their status? Yes
Lost their bite? Yes
Is this clear enough?
It's been a whole day and a half...How can people already be complaining?
(2010.Jan.24 01:00 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jan.24 12:58 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]So Diss lost huh?
Lost what?
Lost heart? Yes
Lost the will? Yes
Lost the war? Yes
Lost their respect? Yes
Lost their status? Yes
Lost their bite? Yes
Is this clear enough?
Its obvious now.

weren't people complaining within the hour when SV decided to redo the xmas war?
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