(2010.Jan.03 10:21 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Wraith does use more periods then any other person I've seen on the forums.
That's bc he has more periods than any other person on this forum!
(2010.Jan.04 05:58 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jan.03 10:50 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jan.03 10:21 PM)thatthingufear Wrote: [ -> ]Wraith does use more periods then any other person I've seen on the forums.
That's bc he has more periods than any other person on this forum!
are you sure about that?
Eh!! Don't bring Howl into this, she's innocent!!!

(2010.Jan.03 10:16 PM)randomjacker Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Jan.03 10:07 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]She clings to something that isn't hers.......Pullo....etc.....
I own my ideas............
She plays the game she wants to play... You think that you have done something new in this game others haven't... delusional as well eh?
Play how ever you want, but if you want to claim to be consistant then be that. Something you have lacked in here and in moding.
Looks like this changed and now our threads will not be trashed by wraith anymore... sweet!
Pre Madonna. Heavy Bleeder. Thank you and good day to you sir.
is this thread for real? did i just read this nonsense?
Yes. This thread is brain surgery with the effect that you feel slightly more lobotomized then after 15 mins of commercial.
lobotomy is really a euphemism for this thread...
half of the air of this thread requires a waahmbulance, the other half of this thread requires a reality check. this is an online web-based text game, not even a video game. grow up, relax, take a breather, go walk the dog, give your kids some cake (or even some food, i bet they're hungry), and lets all just chilllllll